Quantum Computer ----------------------------- -simulation of some quantum algorithm (grover, shor, error correction) with mathlab or mathematica - praesentation of recent experimental realisation - effect of decoherence with lindblad or coupling wit random field (Auer, Fugger, Grill, Hartler, Heilm, Kaschutnig, Pichler, Wriesnik, Wurm, Schossmann) Superconductivity ---------------------------- - Solve BCS equation for some nontrivial case e.g. repulsive inter.: d-wave (scheibelhofer) - Ginzburg-Landau theory for some particular geometries (Hierz) Spintronics (spin electronics) --------------------------------------------- - numerical solution of some drift-diffusion model, or boltzmann equation (Gleichweit) Vielteilchensysteme ------------------------------ - many-body Hilbert space, exact solution, spin systems, entanglement (Gruber) Suprafluidity, Bose Einstein condensation -------------------------------------------------------------- - num. solution of Bogolubov Theory (Bauernfeind)