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Supervision of scientific work

Bachelor theses

The own responsible supervision of bachelor theses may be carried out by members of the Graz University of Technology who are at least in doctoral studies and are in charge of independent teaching.

Master and diploma theses

Members of the Graz University of Technology who are authorized to teach at Graz University of Technology are entitled to the own responsible supervision of master's and diploma theses. They are allowed to supervise master and diploma theses in the subject of their teaching authorisation.
If required, suitable research assistants from research and teaching companies (persons with career positions) can also supervise master's and diploma theses from the subject of their dissertation or from the field of research they worked on after receiving their doctorate.

Under agreement and approval by the dean of studies, persons with an authorisation to teach at a recognised domestic or foreign university may also be consulted for supervision.


The own responsible supervision of dissertations may be carried out by members of the Graz University of Technology if the supervising person has either already completed the habilitation procedure or the procedure has been completed before the end of the dissertation to be supervised. Up to this point, another habilitated person is responsible for supervision. Once the teaching authorisation has been obtained, a change of supervisor can take place with the involvement of the Dean of Studies.

Again, under agreement and approval by the dean of studies, persons with an authorisation to teach at a recognised domestic or foreign university may be consulted for supervision.


Persons who are not allowed to supervise theses on their own responsibility may work as co- supervisors. This must also be noted accordingly in the thesis. The responsibility for ensuring that the work complies with the guidelines and does not contain any plagiarisms lies exclusively with the main supervisor.

If the co-advisor fulfils the requirements for independent supervision before completion of the work, a change of supervisor can take place - including the Dean of Studies.

en/supervision_of_scientific_papers.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/06 11:46 by grub_ale