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    "compare": {
        "fromid": 727,
        "fromrevid": 1,
        "fromns": 2,
        "fromtitle": "Benutzer:Ahi",
        "toid": 727,
        "torevid": 2,
        "tons": 2,
        "totitle": "Benutzer:Ahi",
        "*": "<tr>\n  <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-lineno\">Zeile 9:</td>\n  <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-lineno\">Zeile 9:</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-context diff-side-deleted\"><div>Beispiel f\u00fcr einen [[internen Link]] auf eine andere Seite im Wiki.</div></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-context diff-side-added\"><div>Beispiel f\u00fcr einen [[internen Link]] auf eine andere Seite im Wiki.</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-context diff-side-deleted\"><br /></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-context diff-side-added\"><br /></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n  <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty diff-side-deleted\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\" data-marker=\"+\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-addedline diff-side-added\"><div>Wenn ich mich f\u00fcr die Ableitung eine Analytischen Funktion interessieren sollte:</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-context diff-side-deleted\"><div>&lt;math&gt; f'(z_0) = \\frac{1}{2\\pi i} \\int_C \\frac{f(z)}{(z-z_0)^2}dz &lt;/math&gt;</div></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-marker\"></td>\n  <td class=\"diff-context diff-side-added\"><div>&lt;math&gt; f'(z_0) = \\frac{1}{2\\pi i} \\int_C \\frac{f(z)}{(z-z_0)^2}dz &lt;/math&gt;</div></td>\n</tr>\n"