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Period.\" — Jordan Leonen\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is the key to peace and harmony\" — Tom H Lautenbacher\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"every little bit helps\" — Sarah Weyant\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ma dépense la plus utile de l\'année\x26nbsp;!\" — Emmanuel Charriere\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Que la connaissance soit\x26nbsp;!\" — Emeric Planet\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"One of the most useful online tools.\" — Jonathan Seastrunk\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Spreading knowledge is worth a donation..\" — Luke Jeremy\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"¡Siempre con la Wikipedia!\" — Manuel Méndez Gago\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Merci de faire partie de ma vie\x26nbsp;!\" — Diana Chebret\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Veni, vidi, dedi - I came, I saw, I gave.\" — Adam Tekle\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Because I believe in Wikimedia\'s goal.\" — Vanessa R Palmer\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge Is Power. Keep Empowering.\" — Saket Vaidya\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wiki is Wonderful\x26nbsp;!!\" — Jim Windgassen\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Hello from Russia! Thank you very much!\" — Igor Philippov\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"save the wiki save the world\" — Reinhard Pointner\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ad maiorem Wikipedia gloriam\x26nbsp;;)\" — Jakub Dziwior\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Hours of interactive reading.\" — Steve Verner\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Information when I need it.\" — Markos Douridas\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Shared information unites people.\" — Richard Frickmann\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Free access to information for all!\" — Daniel Tedmon\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Still and always a treasure of the Internet.\" — Robert Gore\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge should be available to everyone.\" — Miguel Nogueira\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For tripling the number of Elephants in Africa!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"DREAM EXTRA LARGE\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Even my cats like it!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Eskerrik asko wikipedia!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is a cornerstone of modern civilization.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thank you for constantly feeding my quest for knowledge\" — Drew G.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For the love of information, for the love of freedom.\" — Matthew A.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The epitome of free speech, an invaluble reference.\" — Samuel J.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"glad to be able to contribute to this great initiative\" — Susan C.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"c\'est peu, mais si tout le monde en fait autant...\" — Axel CHAMBILY\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I feel I am contributing to a worthwhile project!\" — Peter McGinley\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"El conocimiento es la base de toda sociedad.\" — Pablo Román Alfaro\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is power! Everyone\'s gotta have it!\" — Sebastian K\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"More than a public service, a worldwide treasure!\" — Steven Scharff\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is my weapon of choice against my own ignorance.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Tremendous respect for what is being done...\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"my mind now is filled mostly with wikipedia\" — Ramsi Woodcock\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Bringing the world together!\" — Joris de Leeuw GTAgames Nederland\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For the greater good of the world\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikis makes procrastination productive!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Most people don\'t realise how entertaining Wikipedia is!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I hope that Wikipedia continues for many years to come.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the manifest of human collaborative spirit.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks for a brilliant public resource!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Modern Day Library of Alexandria!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia changed my life!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge will make us free!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Educate them, one edit at a time.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge at your fingertips!\" — Robert C Merrell\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Hope you change many more lives....\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"So that others may enjoy the gift of knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Spread the knowledge, better the world\" — Percy Grunwald\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"spread the knowledge to every corner of the world!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is OUR encyclopedia, keep it free!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The most important resource on the Internet today\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I would have failed so many classes without wiki!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The way the web should be.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"One of the world\'s great resources. Thanks!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Empower the world!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Let Wiki Rock forever!!\" — Kiran Thyagaraja\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I can\'t recall how i managed before Wiki\" — Jean-Claude Van Soest\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"greatest site of them all, We contribute it, We Police it.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This is one of mankind\'s greatest undertakings.\" — Dr. Tobias G\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Weiter für die Demokratisierung des Wissens\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Спасибо, Википедия!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipédia, pra cima e avante!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Kunskap är makt!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Tack för allt.\" — Tobias Rundström\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is power, don\'t waste it.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has revolutionized the way we learn.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Free information will save the world.\" — Marshall Strother\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is a good thing!!!\" — Edwin Ponciano\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thank you for having information on everything!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Let\'s make the world wiser!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the easiest way to learn...I support them\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Spreading knowledge is worth a donation..\" — Luke Jeremy\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is the key to survival.\" — Gabbie Brown\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Biggest contribution to World knowledge. Thanks to all!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The greatest internet invention since the internet itself.\" — Yuan\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"There is no excuse for ignorance in the age of Wikipedia\" — Andrew\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The epitome of free speech, an invaluble reference.\" — Samuel J.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The Global War on Ignorance-- A battle worth fighting!\" — Stony S.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is overall the most interesting site on the web.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You\'re usually the first place I check for any information.\" — Anon\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"ich muss nichts mehr sagen, WP spricht für sich.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Indispensable de nos jours!\" — Julien Matuszak\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"¡Siempre con la Wikipedia!\" — Manuel Méndez Gago\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"WikiPedia rocks!\" — David Ouziel\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You guys rock!!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is Hope\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You guys do a fantastic job!!!\" — Guoming Sun\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia, is there anything it can\'t do?\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"If you read this note, donate!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For not deleting at least some articles\" — Vladimir Mozhenkov\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia: Destroyer of productivity; love of my life.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This model of information transfer will change humanity.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"much much less annoying than an NPR fundraising drive\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Because knowledge may be free, but servers are not.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"What did we do before Wiki?\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"My first time here. Thanks for improving civilization.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Free access to information is the key to prosperity!\" — Simon Roby\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Amazing! That\'s what you are. Keep up the good work.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia, AKA the Degree Saver! Many thanks\" — Tom Graham\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The legacy of Alexandria lives on\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I love this site. Keep up the awesome work!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I use Wiki - I have to pay for it\x26nbsp;!\" — Immo Wetzel\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wiki is the future!\" — Christoph Burschka\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikimedia Rocks!\" — Jasmeet Singh\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Cheaper than cable\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Give Wiki a boost!!\" — Kiminori Noma\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is my homepage. I learn something new everyday.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I wikipedia now instead of google my searches.\" — Michael Patronik\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks Wikipedia. You\'re my favourite website.\" — Oliver Kiehl\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Nice work to all involved behind the scenes!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"image is nothing, thirst for knowledge is everything\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Brilliant\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"power to the pedia!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Super Site!\" — Urs Schwerzmann\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A most delightful time waster!\" — Shreesh Taskar\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Que viva la educacion gratuita\" — Dennis Salcedo\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Woooo! Cheaper than college!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wisdom of the Crowds rules the Long Tail\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Where would the world be without Wikimedia?\" — Emily Baker\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The Bear wishes you well\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Bravo\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"To prevent commercialization of knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Great site: my favourite and most visited!\" — Andrew O\'Callaghan\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The best purpose for donation I can think of.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This is the first time I have donated online.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"here\'s to FDLing all the knowledge in da universe!\x26nbsp;:-)\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Pour une encyclopedie si utile.\" — Gabriel D. Matthews\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Long Live Freedom\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Astonishingly useful!\" — Navarro Parker\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I love philanthropy\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia helps me drop clue bombs on people.\" — Michael Styne\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Onwards and upwards!\" — Yuri Astrakhan\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You guys are fantastic! Keep up the good work\" — World of Worlds\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A great site! My kids love it and use it often\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Pour un savoir commun, libre et gratuit.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"La informacion quiere ser libre\" — Paredes Olay Francisco Javier\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I am so grateful for your wonderful site.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"weiter so\x26nbsp;!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I really enjoy using your site.\" — Howard Sims\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You are the best!\" — Rodrigo Ventura\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"vive le libre =)\" — Le bisou\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This is the future.\" — David Altman\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Go baby go, go!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Very handy resource, keep up the great work.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Gladly support the Great Wikipedia Project\" — Grant Slater\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Viva la information revolution!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is an invaluable research tool.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"My college students depend on Wikipedia\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Keep it free \x26amp; non-biased high quality!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"By the people for the people\" — Andrew Black\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"De omni re scibili et quibusdam aliis.\" — Berteun Damman\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Continuemos, entre todos, por las licencias libres...\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The most useful website of the net!\" — Antonio Madonna\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Vive auto-organisation\" — Carlos Oliveira Reis\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I really love this site\" — Charles Reid\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikiversity is my passion\" — Chris Burley\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Education good\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"continuez\x26nbsp;!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia ist eine geniale Sache!\" — Rene Chelvier\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Surpasses all expectations!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wissen muss kostenlos sein!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Simply because open content leads to better knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Five bucks well spent.\" — Andreas Neukoetter\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I love you, Wikipedia!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge isn\'t a possession - it cannot be monopolized.\" — Robert\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Fantastic system - best of luck from a Random Page addict\" — Steve\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For one of the most exciting enterprises of mankind!\" — Renato C.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Possibly the greatest project ever undertaken — humankind\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I\'d rather read Wikipedia than my college textbooks.\" — William R.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"My first stop when I want to get started on a new topic.\" — Joel\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Symbolic gesture of appreciation. Wikipedia is important.\" — Thomas\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"thanks for wikipedia. the revolution will be wikified.\" — Jeremy F.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikimedia, a terrific open source project of knowledge\" — Alexander\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikimedia is doing GREAT things, I\'m proud to support them.\" — Jeff\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Nothing compares to Wikipedia. It\'s the greatest informer.\" — Niels\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A shining example of what the net is really all about.\" — William F\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wonderful site! I recommend it to all of my students.\" — Michael R.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Probably the best evolving source of general knowledge\" — Marc E.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Before I knew about Wikipedia, I was afraid...\" — Christopher H.C.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"... Wikipedia restored my faith in humanity\" — Christopher H.C.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For the freedom of knowledge and the knowledge of freedom\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Discover a personal world of information...\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"University would not be the same without Wikipedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia: my first stop on every journey for knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Indispensable help for school!\" — Andra Cochran\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Share your Knowledge!\" — David Corcoran\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Human knowledge should be free and open to all\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"thanks for helping me get through school!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia gives me faith in human nature.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I am learning a lot more than I thought I could\" — Gary Fung\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Information is the greatest gift of all\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge sharing as it should be. Keep up the good work!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For the wonderful idea of making a free encyclopedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Without knowledge, there is no freedom.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"college would be impossible without wikipedia!\" — katy tull\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks for the countless times you\'ve enlightened me.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Let all peoples work together for the benefit of all people\" — Anon\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knoweldge is power, and Wikipedia shares it with everyone!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia itself is an outstanding achievement of humanity.\" — Anon\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Merci de faire partie de ma vie\x26nbsp;!\" — Diana Chebret\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"El conocimiento es la base de toda sociedad.\"— Pablo Román Alfaro\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"L\'informazione deve essere libera!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia erleichtert mein Leben!\x26nbsp;:)\" — Martin Goth\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Al veel kennis opgedaan via Wikipedia!\" — R Timmermans\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Rock on. An invaluable resource that deserves support.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Shared information unites people.\" — Richard Frickmann\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Invaluable asset to my career\" — Tom Adams\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"a small donation for a big revolution\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the future of knowledge.\" — Christopher Kelly\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Free knowledge for the world.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Damit Wissen überall ankommt\" — Stephan Knörr\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"e pluribus unum\" — Wouter Simons\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Siamo come nani sulle spalle dei giganti\" — Angelo Losanno\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia hat die Welt verbessert!\" — Christoph Neumueller\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Freier Bildungszugang für alle!\" — Lechi Langewand\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Scientia est potentia\" — Bjørn Christian Nipedal\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The best thing since sliced bread\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You rock my world!\" — Hákon Már Pétursson\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Never forget that knowledge belongs to everybody.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thank you for giving so much and expecting so little!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This is an invaluable resource for the world.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You\'ve revolutionized research. Thank you.\" — Lieselot Whitbeck\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Uniting the world through the power of knowledge\" — Ian G Myers\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You make my life so much easier, thanks wiki!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is one of the few reservoirs of hope left.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Non costa niente e fa bene a tutti.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Votre encyclopedie est une bible de la connaisance\" — Cedric PETERSON\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"E\' grazie a persone come voi che il mondo è vivibile\" - Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Grazie per questo nuovo modo di pensare.\" — Fabrizio Benedetti\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Un idéal noble, une utopie que je veux soutenir\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Entrez dans la socièté de la connaissance\" — Claire Duchemin\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is my weapon of choice against my own ignorance.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The sustainability of our planet is leveraged on knowledge.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Making the world a better place.\" — Christian Cooper\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Where would we be these days without Wikipedia?\" — Bram Schoenmakers\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Sharing knowledge is one way to peace!\" — Elmar Höfner\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Giving back to a repository which has given so much to me\" — Gabriel Seah\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge brings power to the people.\" — Raphael Bosshard\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A great, reliable, constantly-updated online encyclopedia!\" — Dave Britz\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I wish I could contribute millions. WP is an invaluable treasure.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge deserves to be free\" — Alan Isherwood\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The Wiki is mightier than the sword!\" — Stig Palmquist\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I wish I could have gotten my textbooks for university from Wiki.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This is the future of information and education. I believe in it!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Possibly the most revolutionary site ever.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Continue sharing knowledge to inspire advancement around the world.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge should be free for all people all over the world.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Un sueño de Jorge Luis Borges hecho realidad.\" — Andres Lopez\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Weitermachen\x26nbsp;!!! Great Job!\" — Christoph Merk\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wiki hat mir oft geholfen, darum spende ich!\" — Dennis Pankowski\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Estamos construyendo un nuevo mundo\" — Pablo Torrecilla González\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"* ¡Larga vida a Wikipedia!\"—Anonymous\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Dzięki Wikipedii wiedza staje się domeną publiczną!\" - Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ein Tag ohne Wiki - ist ein Tag ohne mehr Wissen!\" — Ingo Immer\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ótimo site\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Vive le savoir libre\x26nbsp;!\" — Damien Sornette\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I\'m proud to give the gift of knowledge. Go Wiki!\" — Stuart Wattssm\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the first site I go to to begin learning about a topic.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You do a great service to humanity.\" — Michael Dimitriou\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks for delivering knoweldge to the whole globe.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ohne Wissen gibt es keine Kultur.\" — Oscar Dustmann\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ein Klasse System, mein Rückgrat beim Lernen\" — Ronald Baumann\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ich danke allen Ehrenamtlichen bei Wikipedia\" - Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ohne Wikipedia hätte ich schlechte Noten!\" — Vladimir Hof\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Merci pour tout se savoir, et \"Keep going on\"!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Merci de partager les connaissances du monde\" — parm SOOLAL\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Bene, bravi, bello. Ancora!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"il mondo si salva attraverso la conoscenza\" — Andrea Garavaglia\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Grazie per tutto l\'aiuto che date alla mia conoscenza\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"O Brasil ama a Wikipedia!\" — Anon\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You are changing the world for the better. Keep it up!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Education is the greatest gift of all\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia gives me hope in humanity.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.\" — Araceli Calderon\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I am most likely to turn to Wiki for all of life\'s answers\" — Mark Prince\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia makes me believe a bit more in human race\" — Marc Kirchner\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the Gutenberg printing press of the 21st century.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"wikipedia is the greatest thing since the wheel...\" — Marius Andre Strand\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Informative AND entertaining - a great tool.\" — Peter Delmonte\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has taught me more than most college classes I\'ve taken.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"One site to rule them all...\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The best ever.. its helping me with my exams\" — colin o shaughnessy\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Amazing outreach for a worldwide cause!\" — Yee-Keong Chan\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Conhecimento livre é a chave para muitas coisas!\" - Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia darf nicht sterben\" — Bülent Gedikli\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Danke für viele hilfreiche Informationen.\" — Jens Rascher\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Macht weiter so, ein tolles Projekt!\" — Gerrit Richter\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Beste Informationsquelle im Internet\" — Harald Heintz\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Freies Wissen macht Spaß\" — Christian Zimmermann\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Keep up the good work. May this €1 be put to good use!\" — John Ward\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thank you for the wonderful gift of Wikipedia\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wiki finally found what the internet is really for - Knowledge.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I learn something new everyday thanks to Wikipedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The best things in life are free\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Everything I\'ve ever wanted to know!\" — Andrew Ghelerter\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Giving money was never such an easy decision...\" — Lucas Rayala\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is an absolutely amazing body of knowledge!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ignorance is not bliss.\" — Michael Dinolfo\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A great free resource of information, and all for free.\" — Jero Sutlovic\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thank you for helping me expand my knowledge of the world.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Keep on collecting great knowledge!\" — Benjamin Gibbat\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Free knowledge = Enlightenment = Evolution. Thanks Wikipedia!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is my fountain of knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Community knowledge gathered together!\" — Daniel Alamita\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is my answer to everything, I owe you so much!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is my second brain.\" — Erick Kyogoku\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia\'s best! Global knowledge for everybody - THX!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia\'s existence makes me feel better about the world\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikiquote is awesome.\" — Nicolas Bosma\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The knowledge must flow!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The best thing that has happened to education since schools!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the only reason I know what I\'m talking about.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia rocks the party!\" — Marc Delehanty\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I heart knowledge.\" — Anonymous\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"One of the most promising developments of the 21st century.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge at our finger tips, what more can we ask for?\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wiki is a reliable friend who always solves my questions.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Vamos construir um novo mundo! Um mundo mais justo.\" — Valério Wittler\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowlege in it\'s purest form. Thank you.\" — Anonymous\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the joint creation of the minds of the world\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"If you find an error, you can correct it. Excellent.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is a great contribution to world culture\" — Worley Thorne\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Uma enciclopédia fantástica. Parabéns\" — Eduardo Camara\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Continuem com o bom trabalho\" — Francisco Faísca\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikibooks and Wikiversity are budding and need to be nurtured.\" — A. Whitworth\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I can\'t imagine being able to do the job I do without Wikipedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Promoting human knowledge is the foundation of peace and liberty.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ignorance may be bliss, but it can get so boring...\" — Galit Eden\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Happily supporting the best free knowledge repository in the universe!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"If there\'s a question, Wikipedia has the answer.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Educação para os necessitados.\" — Joel Guzmán\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The smartest one of us is all of us.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Hope this small amount can help foster something great\" — Jeff Appis\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Unbelievable how many subjects are covered.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Do you want know anything? ask Wiki!\" — Marcos C L Ribeiro\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A produção colaborativa é o futuro!\"— Jorge Machado\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The power of humanity working together\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A resource almost as valuable to modern humanity as the internet itself.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"80% of my Google searches end up on a Wiki page!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has changed the way the world gets information forever.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thank-you to everyone who has contributed.\" — James Ludwick\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has restored my faith in both the internet and humanity.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I do believe that this is the future of civil society.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Keep the dream of unlimited free knowledge alive\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Probably the best thing modern world has ever achieved.\" — Frei Klaus\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"More and more valuable with each edit.\" — Clark Venable\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks Wikimedia! Keep on Changing the World!\" — Stefan Bungart\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"You keep me awake all night, I just can\'t stop reading.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks for being a world-wide asset.\" — Sylvia DuLaney\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"because it\'s getting me through med school\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I can\'t go more than a day without this site!\" — Vincent Badali\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wiki is always there for me. Even when nobody else is.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Because their is no freedom without knowledge\" — Jérémie Marguerie\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Greatest source of answers to pop culture and high culture alike!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Tack för all hjälp o inspiration\" — Camilla Christoffersson\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia: let\'s change the world\x26nbsp;:)\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I have used wikipedia to help me advance my career\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia makes me more productive!\" — Harald Lie\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Best venue for learning and quick reference.\" — Bo Zhu\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"knowledge is power, use it wisely\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"May this information stream reach many new people.\" — Robert Keeley\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Better than all of my university textbooks combined.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"While people are a source of knowledge, this is a fountain of wisdom\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I cannot finish counting how many things I have learned from Wikipedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The web is no longer imaginable without Wikipedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is great fun for all knowledge lovers of the world!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Giving money never felt so good...\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Best money I\'ve spent this year!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Most useful site on internet..as revolutionary as the google search\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks for being there for me.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Continuação de bom trabalho na divulgação da cultura!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has given so much to us. Now it\'s our turn to give back.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is THE information superhighway\" — William Wilkerson\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has become my most utilized reference!\" — Shawn Iverson\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is getting me through college!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the quickest, most reliable answer to almost any question.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Exercise the most important muscle: Your brain!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"For Liberation of Mankind through Truth and Knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"How knowledge is meant to be - shared, growing, and self-correcting.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Ambition of this nature shouldn\'t go unrecognized.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I can appreciate brilliance when I see it.\" — Joshua Ramey\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is power and you have empowered millions\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"If Wikipedia did not exists, we would have to create it!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is the key to a better future.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Google is for searching, Wikipedia is for knowing\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is power. Let\'s share the power!\" — Abtin Rahimian\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Simply a wonderful resource for the entire world\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"If I ever want to research something, the first thing I do is Wiki it!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I usually don\'t donate but Wiki isn\'t usual\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Spread knowledge not troops!\" — Sam bouguerra\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Without wikipedia, I wouldn\'t know what the capital of Vermont is.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I love the community nature of this site- and the quality of information.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is the beginning of Asimov\'s Encyclopaedia Galactica!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A wonderful vision with the potential to change the world.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"This is one of the greatest ideas of the century!\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"I hope the Tamil (தமிழ்) wikipedia receives more support.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Knowledge is the real wealth\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"The best idea since printing books\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Danke für Wikipedia\" — Axel Kerber\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Thanks to all who\'ve contributed to this great project.\" — Ian Weston\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"A small price to pay for a world of knowledge\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia is officially a Very Good Thing.\" — Paul Bird\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"for the future generations\" — Yoshio Murai\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"It\'s cheaper than buying an encyclopedia.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Saving the planet one mind at a time...\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"One of the wonders of the world\" — Alistair Corrie\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Freedom of knowledge is an inalienable right of the civilized world.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Helping to support one of the greatest uses of modern technology.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Wikipedia has become an indispensible day-to-day companion\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"Information is like air. It must be free for all. Forever.\" — Anon.\x3c/span\x3e", "\x3cspan class=\'fundquote\'\x3e\"To grow in knowledge, curiosity, and wisdom\" — Sara Taylor\x3c/span\x3e"];return s[Math.floor(Math.random()*s.length)];}()+"\n \x3c/td\x3e\n \x3ctd class=\"siteNoticeToggle\"\x3e\n [\x3ca href=\"#\" onclick=\"toggleNotice()\"\x3eHide this message\x3c/a\x3e]\n \x3c/td\x3e\n \x3c/tr\x3e\n\x3c/table\x3e\n\x3c/div\x3e\n\x3cdiv id=\"siteNoticeSmall\" class=\"fundraiser-folded\"\x3e\x3ca href=\"http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate\"\x3e\x3cimg src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/fundraising/2007/meter-en.png\" width=\'407\' height=\'14\' /\x3e\x3c/a\x3e \x3cspan class=\"siteNoticeToggle\"\x3e[\x3ca href=\"#\" onclick=\"toggleNotice()\"\x3eShow more\x3c/a\x3e]\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\n\x3c/div\x3e"; var wgNoticeToggleState = (document.cookie.indexOf("hidesnmessage=1")==-1); document.writeln( wgNoticeToggleState ? 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