Notes for lecture 06a

Christian Maier

Summary of Results

The properties of the system depend on the property of the bath (only the left one, for simplicity) via the density of states.

\[\sum_p \mathcal{V}_p^2 g_{pp}^r(\omega)= V^2 R_L(\omega)-i\pi V^2\rho_L(\omega)\] \[=R_L(\omega)-i\Gamma_L(\omega)\]

\(\mathcal{V}_p\) is the coupling to each bath level. The left and right bath may couple differently.

Error: \(V^2\) is missing here before \(R_L\).

\[G_{00}^r(\omega)=\pqty{\omega-\bqty{\Delta+R_L(\omega)} +i\Gamma(\omega)}^{-1}\] with \(E(\omega):=\Delta+R_L(\omega)\).

Consider the case of a central impurity, which couples to a series of bath levels \(\epsilon_p\) that become continous in the end, via coupling terms \(\mathcal{V}_p\).

Screenshot from lecture 06a

\[G_{00}^K(\omega)=-2i\Gamma_L|G_{00}^r(\omega)|^2 S(\omega)\] \[=\pqty{G_{00}^r(\omega)-G_{00}^a(\omega)}S(\omega)\]

Next we have

\[\ev{c_0^\dagger c_0}=\frac{1}{2}-\frac{i}{2} \int\frac{\dd{\omega}}{2\pi}G_{00}^K(\omega)\] \[=\frac{1}{2}-\pi\int\frac{\dd{\omega}}{2\pi}A_{00}(\omega)S_L(\omega)\] \[=\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{2}\int\dd{\omega}A_{00}(\omega) \bqty{1-\color{red}2\color{black}f_L(\omega)}\] \[=\int\dd{\omega}A_{00}(\omega)f_L(\omega)\]

That result we also had in the previous course. We used \(\int\dd{\omega}A_{00}(\omega)=1\) and \[G_{00}^r(\omega)-G_{00}^a(\omega)=-2i\pi A_{00}(\omega)\] with \[A_{00}(\omega)=-\frac{1}{\pi}\Im G_{00}^{r}(\omega)\] where \(A_{00}(\omega)\) is the spectral function. See the previous Green’s function course for more information on this.

We can think of a spectral function as something like this:

Screenshot from lecture 06a

It gives me the distribution of states on the site (00) as a function of \(\omega\). At zero temperature, the Fermi function will be an inverse step function. The occupation \(\ev{c_0^\dagger c_0}\) is represented by the blue area in the screenshot above. This is expected as we are still in equilibrium here. Now we do the calculation in that case.

\[-\Im G_{00}^r(\omega)=\frac{\Gamma_L(\omega)}{ \bqty{\omega-E_L(\omega)}^2+\Gamma_L(\omega)^2}\]

That is the situation where we can do analytic calculations, as we can neglect the omega dependence of \(\rho(\omega)\), where the density of the bath is a constant. That is the wide-band limit, i.e. the bath has a wide band width. Just one thing we have to be mathematically careful about: If \(\rho_L\) becomes a constant, the integral over it diverges, so we’ll have to take the limit of a small \(V\) instead. In the limit, the bandwidth goes to infinity. That gives a quantity \(\Gamma\) independent of \(\omega\) and the real part \(R_L(\omega)\) can be taken to zero under certain conditions, e.g. when the distribution of energy is symmetric above and below. We won’t go too much into details here.

Wide-band limit (WBL)

Then at \(T=0\), the occupation is simply given by \[\ev{c_0^\dagger c_0}=\int_{-\infty}^{\mu} \frac{\Gamma}{(\omega-\Delta)^2+\Gamma^2}\dd{\omega}\,.\]

It is enough to do the first and then one of the other three exercises.