At first I worked in the field of mathematical physics; in particular spectral theory for Dirac operators and completely integrable partial differential equations.
Then I investigated and developed algorithms for the detection of ventricular fibrillation.
Since 2004 our main research area concerns (conference program 2004 and abstracts) breath gas analysis of VOCs in collaboration with the Breath Research Institute of the University of Innsbruck (formerly Austrian Academy of Sciences).
FWF-project: (from 2012- 2016) Mathematical modeling of trace gas exhalation kinetics and experimental validations.
Conferences2004: (program) Breath Gas Analysis for Medical Diagnostics.
2017: (program and abstracts) First International Conference on Soft Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry and Applications to Trace Gas Analysis.
2019: (program and abstracts) Spectrometry for Security Applications - First International Workshop.
2019: (ÖMG Conference) Austrian Mathematical Society Conference 2019 from September 16-20.
2025: (Breath Research Conference) IABR BREATH SUMMIT in INNSBRUCK, September 14 - 19, 2025.