Lesen und manipulieren der EXIF Daten, automatisches Umbenennen der Datei, autorotation, ...
ExifTool provides an extensible set of perl modules to read and write meta information in image, audio and video files.
ExifTool reads EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, AFCP and ID3 meta information from JPG, JP2, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PICT, QTIF, PNG, MNG, JNG, MIFF, PPM, PGM, PBM, XMP, EPS, PS, AI, PDF, PSD, DCM, ACR, THM, CRW, CR2, MRW, NEF, PEF, ORF, RAF, RAW, SRF, SR2, MOS, X3F and DNG images, MP3, WAV, WMA and AIFF audio files, and AVI, MOV, MP4 and WMV videos. ExifTool also extracts information from the maker notes of many digital cameras by various manufacturers including Canon, Casio, FujiFilm, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Ricoh, Sanyo and Sigma/Foveon.
ExifTool writes EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, MakerNotes, Photoshop IRB and AFCP meta information to JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PSD, XMP, PPM, PGM, PBM, PNG, MNG, JNG, CRW, THM, CR2, MRW, NEF, PEF, MOS and DNG images.
Scheint im Moment leider nicht aktiv zu sein - ist allerdings bereits in die aktuelle Testversion von Gimp eingeflossen.
digiKam is a simple digital photo management application for KDE, which makes importing and organizing digital photos a ,,snap``. The photos can be organized in albums which can be sorted chronologically, by directory layout or by custom collections. An easy to use interface is provided that enables you to connect to your camera and preview, download and/or delete your images.
digiKam kann EXIF und (anscheinend auch) IPTC beschreiben. XMP wird nicht berücksichtigt.
Picture viewer and organizer for UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows written in Perl/Tk. MaPiVi is a stand alone tool, there is no need for a web server, online access or a database.
Kann leider nur mit JPEG umgehen - sonst sehr komfortabel. IPTC funktioniert, XMP anscheinend nicht.
KimDaba focuses on three key points:
Die Schlagworte werden in einer XML-Datei gespeichert - es gibt ein Perl-Modul zum Bearbeiten der Datensammlung. Schlagworte werden anscheinend nicht in den Bilddateien selbst gespeichert.
imgSeek is a photo collection manager and viewer with content-based search and many other features. The query is expressed either as a rough sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply (or an image in your collection). The searching algorithm makes use of multiresolution wavelet decomposition of the query and database images.
EXIF und IPTC werden für die Formate JPEG und TIFF gelesen und verwertet, aber nicht geschrieben. - dafür ist eine grafische Suchmöglichkeit vorhanden.
F-Spot is an application designed to provide personal photo management to the GNOME desktop. Features include import, export, printing and advanced sorting of digital images. F-Spot is still in the early phases of development. Prerelease versions of the software are available ...
Kann anscheinend kein XMP oder IPTC unterstützen - RAW wird ind der Doku nicht erwähnt.
Andreas Hirczy 2009-02-13