
Welcome to the ITP Journal Club. This paragraph outlines the most imporant information:
  • The Journal Club is open for everyone and is not restricted to theoretical physicists!
  • The Journal Club date for SS 17 is: each Monday (not during holidays) at 16:00 at seminar room 3rd floor.
  • Every member is supposed to conbtribute with a paper of her or his choice under the following conditions:
    • 1) Each contribution + discussion should last not more than 1 hour. The speaker should be prepared to stimulate some interesting questions if no discussion develops on its own. (The discussion should be one of the main points of this club.)
    • 2) The topic of the talk is chosen by the speaker. It should be on one paper from a respected journal on 'physics'. It should not be on something the speaker is currently directly working on. Of course it should be suitable for discussions.
    • 3) The speaker is free to arrange his contribution. The language may be English or German. One may use blackboard, handouts, beamer, etc...
    • 4) We set up the shedule for each semesters during the first meeting.
    • 5) When its your turn you should submit your choosen paper to me at least one week before the journal club. I will put the details online and send the email announcement.
    • 6) If you are struggling to find a suitable paper - scroll down this page, or don't hesitate to pass by and ask me.


  • The remaining JC of this semester are on Mo. 12.06.2017, 19.06.2017 and 26.06.2017

  • The journal club gratefully acknowledges support by:

    Thank You!


SS 2016/2017

  • Monday June 26 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Matthias Gruber on
    "Dirac quantum time mirror" ,
    P. Reck, C. Gorini, A. Goussev, V. Krueckl, M. Fink, and K. Richter
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 165421 (2017)

    Both metaphysical and practical considerations related to time inversion have intrigued scientists for generations. Physicists have strived to devise and implement time-inversion protocols, in particular different forms of ''time mirrors'' for classical waves. Here we propose an instantaneous time mirror for quantum systems, i.e., a controlled time discontinuity generating wave function echoes with high fidelities. This concept exploits coherent particle-hole oscillations in a Dirac spectrum in order to achieve population reversal, and can be implemented in systems such as (real or artificial) graphene.

  • Monday June 19 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Robert Triebl on
    "Measurement of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum" ,
    H. White, P. March, J. Lawrence, J. Vera, A. Sylvester, D. Brady, and P. Bailey
    Journal of Propulsion and Power , doi: 10.2514/1.B36120

    A vacuum test campaign evaluating the impulsive thrust performance of a tapered radio-frequency test article excited in the transverse magnitude 212 mode at 1937 MHz has been completed. The test campaign consisted of a forward thrust phase and reverse thrust phase at less than 8 x 10^-6 torr vacuum with power scans at 40, 60, and 80 W. The test campaign included a null thrust test effort to identify any mundane sources of impulsive thrust; however, none were identified. Thrust data from forward, reverse, and null suggested that the system was consistently performing with a thrust-to-power ratio of 1.2 +- 0.1 mN/kW.

  • Monday June 12 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Max Sorantin on
    "On the origin of gravity and the laws of Newton" ,
    E. Verlinde
    J. High Energ. Phys., 29 (2011)

    Starting from first principles and general assumptions we present a heuristic argument that shows that Newton's law of gravitation naturally arises in a theory in which space emerges through a holographic scenario. Gravity is identified with an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies. A relativistic generalization of the presented arguments directly leads to the Einstein equations. When space is emergent even Newtons law of inertia needs to be explained. The equivalence principle auggests that it is actually the law of inertia whose origin is entropic.

  • Monday May 29 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Irakli Titvinidze on
    "Experimentally accessible invariants encoded in interparticle correlations of harmonically trapped ultra-cold few-fermion mixtures" ,
    D. Pecak, M. Gajda, T. Sowinski
    arXiv:1703.08116 (2017)

    System of a two-flavor mixture of ultra-cold fermions confined in a one-dimensional harmonic trap is studied in the frame of the center of mass. We present a numerical method of obtaining energetic spectra in this frame for an arbitrary mass ratio of fermionic species. We identify a specific invariant encoded in many-body correlations which enable one to determine an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian and to label excitations of the center of mass. The tool presented may be particularly useful in experimental analysis of the interparticle interactions which do not affect the center of mass excitations in a harmonic potential.

  • Monday May 22 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Andriy Smolyanyuk on
    "Dynamics of Panic Pedestrians in Evacuation" ,
    S. Dongmei, Z. Wenyao, W. Binghong
    arXiv:1701.01236 (2017)

    A modified lattice gas model is proposed to study pedestrian evacuation from a single room. The payoff matrix in this model represents the complicated interactions between selfish individuals, and the mean force imposed on an individual is given by considering the impacts of neighborhood payoff, walls, and defector herding. Each passer-by moves to his selected location according to the Fermi function, and the average velocity of pedestrian flow is defined as a function of the motion rule. Two pedestrian types are included: cooperators, who adhere to the evacuation instructions; and defectors, who ignore the rules and act individually. It is observed that the escape time increases with the panic level, and the system remains smooth for a low panic level, but exhibits three stages for a high panic level. We prove that the panic level determines the dynamics of this system, and the initial density of cooperators has a negligible impact. The system experiences three phases, a single phase of cooperator, a mixed two-phase pedestrian, and a single phase of defector sequentially as the panic level upgrades. The phase transition has been proven basically robust to the changes of empty site contribution, wall's pressure, and noise amplitude in the motion rule. It is further shown that pedestrians derive the greatest benefit from overall cooperation, but are trapped in the worst situation if they are all defectors.

  • Monday May 15 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Michael Rumetshofer on
    "Destructive quantum interference in electron transport: A reconciliation of the molecular orbital and the atomic orbital perspective" ,
    X. Zhaoa, V. Geskina, R. Stadlera
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 092308 (2017)

    Destructive quantum interference (DQI) in single molecule electronics is a purely quantum mechanical effect and is entirely defined by the inherent properties of the molecule in the junction such as its structure and symmetry. This definition of DQI by molecular properties alone suggests its relation to other more general concepts in chemistry as well as the possibility of deriving simple models for its understanding and molecular device design. Recently, two such models have gained a wide spread attention, where one was a graphical scheme based on visually inspecting the connectivity of the carbon sites in conjugated π systems in an atomic orbital (AO) basis and the other one puts the emphasis on the amplitudes and signs of the frontier molecular orbitals (MOs). There have been discussions on the range of applicability for these schemes, but ultimately conclusions from topological molecular Hamiltonians should not depend on whether they are drawn from an AO or a MO representation, as long as all the orbitals are taken into account. In this article, we clarify the relation between both models in terms of the zeroth order Green's function and compare their predictions for a variety of systems. From this comparison, we conclude that for a correct description of DQI from a MO perspective, it is necessary to include the contributions from all MOs rather than just those from the frontier orbitals. The cases where DQI effects can be successfully predicted within a frontier orbital approximation we show them to be limited to alternant even-membered hydrocarbons, as a direct consequence of the Coulson-Rushbrooke pairing theorem in quantum chemistry.

  • Monday May 08 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Daniel Bauernfeind on
    "Thermalization and its mechanism for generic isolated quantum systems" ,
    M. Rigol, V. Dunjko1, M. Olshanii
    Nature 452, 854-858 (2008)

    An understanding of the temporal evolution of isolated many-body quantum systems has long been elusive. Recently, meaningful experimental studies1, of the problem have become possible, stimulating theoretical interest. In generic isolated systems, non-equilibrium dynamics is expected to result in thermalization: a relaxation to states in which the values of macroscopic quantities are stationary, universal with respect to widely differing initial conditions, and predictable using statistical mechanics. However, it is not obvious what feature of many-body quantum mechanics makes quantum thermalization possible in a sense analogous to that in which dynamical chaos makes classical thermalization possible. For example, dynamical chaos itself cannot occur in an isolated quantum system, in which the time evolution is linear and the spectrum is discrete. Some recent studies even suggest that statistical mechanics may give incorrect predictions for the outcomes of relaxation in such systems. Here we demonstrate that a generic isolated quantum many-body system does relax to a state well described by the standard statistical-mechanical prescription. Moreover, we show that time evolution itself plays a merely auxiliary role in relaxation, and that thermalization instead happens at the level of individual eigenstates, as first proposed by Deutsch and Srednicki. A striking consequence of this eigenstate-thermalization scenario, confirmed for our system, is that knowledge of a single many-body eigenstate is sufficient to compute thermal averages-any eigenstate in the microcanonical energy window will do, because they all give the same result.

  • Monday April 24 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Viktor Eisler on
    "Disorder-free localization" ,
    A. Smith, J. Knolle, D. L. Kovrizhin, R. Moessner
    arXiv:1701.04748 (2017)

    The study of localization phenomena - pioneered in Anderson's seminal work on the absence of diffusion in certain random lattices - is receiving redoubled attention in the context of the physics of interacting systems showing many-body localization. While in these systems the presence of quenched disorder plays a central role, suggestions for interaction-induced localization in disorder-free systems appeared early in the context of solid Helium. However, all of these are limited to settings having inhomogeneous initial states. Whether quenched disorder is a general precondition for localization has remained an open question. Here, we provide an explicit example to demonstrate that a disorder-free system can generate its own randomness dynamically, which leads to localization in one of its subsystems. Our model is exactly soluble, thanks to an extensive number of conserved quantities, which we identify, allowing access to the physics of the long-time limit. The model can be extended while preserving its solubility, in particular towards investigations of disorder-free localization in higher dimensions.

  • Monday April 03 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Gernot Kraberger on
    "Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor?" ,
    E. Jonas, K. P. Kording
    PLoS Comput Biol 13(1):e1005268 (2016)

    There is a popular belief in neuroscience that we are primarily data limited, and that producing large, multimodal, and complex datasets will, with the help of advanced data analysis algorithms, lead to fundamental insights into the way the brain processes information. These datasets do not yet exist, and if they did we would have no way of evaluating whether or not the algorithmically-generated insights were sufficient or even correct. To address this, here we take a classical microprocessor as a model organism, and use our ability to perform arbitrary experiments on it to see if popular data analysis methods from neuroscience can elucidate the way it processes information. Microprocessors are among those artificial information processing systems that are both complex and that we understand at all levels, from the overall logical flow, via logical gates, to the dynamics of transistors. We show that the approaches reveal interesting structure in the data but do not meaningfully describe the hierarchy of information processing in the microprocessor. This suggests current analytic approaches in neuroscience may fall short of producing meaningful understanding of neural systems, regardless of the amount of data. Additionally, we argue for scientists using complex non-linear dynamical systems with known ground truth, such as the microprocessor as a validation platform for time-series and structure discovery methods.

  • Monday March 27 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Florian Maislinger on
    "Entropic Dynamics" ,
    A. Caticha
    Entropy 17, 6110-6128 (2015)

    Entropic Dynamics is a framework in which dynamical laws are derived as an application of entropic methods of inference. No underlying action principle is postulated. Instead, the dynamics is driven by entropy subject to the constraints appropriate to the problem at hand. In this paper we review three examples of entropic dynamics. First we tackle the simpler case of a standard diffusion process which allows us to address the central issue of the nature of time. Then we show that imposing the additional constraint that the dynamics be non-dissipative leads to Hamiltonian dynamics. Finally, considerations from information geometry naturally lead to the type of Hamiltonian that describes quantum theory.

WS 2016/2017

  • Monday January 30 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Irakli Titvinidze on
    "Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for the Charge-Density-Wave Phase of the Falicov-Kimball Model" ,
    O. P. Matveev, A. M. Shvaika, T. P. Devereaux, J. K. Freericks
    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp 581-585 (2016)

    Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) is developed for the case of the charge-density-wave ordered phase. We consider the spinless Falicov-Kimball model which can be solved exactly. This strongly correlated system is then placed in an uniform external dc electric field. We present a complete derivation for nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory Green's functions defined on the Keldysh-Schwinger time contour. We also discuss numerical issues involved in solving the coupled equations.

  • Monday January 23 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Johann Pototschnig on
    "The quantum physics of chronology protection" ,
    M. Visser
    arXiv:gr-qc/0204022 (2002)

    This is a brief survey of the current status of Stephen Hawking's ''chronology protection conjecture''. That is: ''Why does nature abhor a time machine?'' I'll discuss a few examples of spacetimes containing ''time machines'' (closed causal curves), the sorts of peculiarities that arise, and the reactions of the physics community. While pointing out other possibilities, this article concentrates on the possibility of ''chronology protection''. As Stephen puts it: ''It seems that there is a Chronology Protection Agency which prevents the appearance of closed timelike curves and so makes the universe safe for historians.''

  • Monday January 16 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Michael Scherbela on
    "Big Data of Materials Science: Critical Role of the Descriptor" ,
    L. M. Ghiringhelli, J. Vybiral, S. V. Levchenko, C. Draxl, and M. Scheffler
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 105503 (2015)

    Statistical learning of materials properties or functions so far starts with a largely silent, nonchallenged step: the choice of the set of descriptive parameters (termed descriptor). However, when the scientific connection between the descriptor and the actuating mechanisms is unclear, the causality of the learned descriptor-property relation is uncertain. Thus, a trustful prediction of new promising materials, identification of anomalies, and scientific advancement are doubtful. We analyze this issue and define requirements for a suitable descriptor. For a classic example, the energy difference of zinc blende or wurtzite and rocksalt semiconductors, we demonstrate how a meaningful descriptor can be found systematically.

  • Monday January 09 2017, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Viktor Eisler on
    "Minimizing irreversible losses in quantum systems by local counter-diabatic driving" ,
    D. Sels, and A. Polkovnikov
    arXiv:1607.05687 (2016)

    Counter-diabatic driving protocols were proposed as a means to do fast changes in the Hamiltonian without exciting transitions. Such driving in principle allows one to realize arbitrarily fast annealing protocols or implement fast dissipationless driving, circumventing standard adiabatic limitations requiring infinitesimally slow rates. These ideas were tested and used both experimentally and theoretically in small systems, but in larger chaotic systems it is known that exact counter-diabatic protocols do not exist. In this work we develop a simple variational approach allowing one to find best possible counter-diabatic protocols given physical constraints like locality. These protocols are easy to derive and implement both experimentally and numerically. We show that, using these approximate protocols, one can drastically decrease dissipation and increase fidelity of quantum annealing protocols in complex many-particle systems. In the fast limit these protocols provide an effective dual description of adiabatic dynamics where the coupling constant plays the role of time and the counter-diabatic term plays the role of the Hamiltonian.

  • Monday December 12 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Max Sorantin on
    "Approach to typicality in many-body quantum systems" ,
    S. Dubey, L. Silvestri, J. Finn, S. Vinjanampathy, and K. Jacobs
    Phys. Rev. E 85, 011141 (2012)

    The recent discovery that for large Hilbert spaces, almost all (that is, typical) Hamiltonians have eigenstates that place small subsystems in thermal equilibrium, has shed much light on the origins of irreversibility and thermalization. Here we give numerical evidence that many-body lattice systems generically approach typicality as the number of subsystems is increased, and thus provide further support for the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. Our results indicate that the deviation of many-body systems from typicality decreases exponentially with the number of systems. Further, by averaging over a number of randomly selected nearest-neighbor interactions, we obtain a powerlaw for the atypicality as a function of the Hilbert space dimension, distinct from the power law possessed by random Hamiltonians.

  • Monday December 05 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Andriy Smolyanyuk on
    "Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization" ,
    K. Moreland
    ISVC 2009: Advances in Visual Computing pp 92-103

    One of the most fundamental features of scientific visualization is the process of mapping scalar values to colors. This process allows us to view scalar fields by coloring surfaces and volumes. Unfortunately, the majority of scientific visualization tools still use a color map that is famous for its ineffectiveness: the rainbow color map. This color map, which naively sweeps through the most saturated colors, is well known for its ability to obscure data, introduce artifacts, and confuse users. Although many alternate color maps have been proposed, none have achieved widespread adoption by the visualization community for scientific visualization. This paper explores the use of diverging color maps (sometimes also called ratio, bipolar, or double-ended color maps) for use in scientific visualization, provides a diverging color map that generally performs well in scientific visualization applications, and presents an algorithm that allows users to easily generate their own customized color maps.

  • Monday November 28 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Gernot Kraberger on
    "Experimental Time-Optimal Universal Control of Spin Qubits in Solids" ,
    J. Geng, Yang Wu, X. Wang, K. Xu, F. Shi, Y. Xie, X. Rong, and J. Du
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 170501 (2015)

    Quantum control of systems plays an important role in modern science and technology. The ultimate goal of quantum control is to achieve high-fidelity universal control in a time-optimal way. Although high-fidelity universal control has been reported in various quantum systems, experimental implementation of time-optimal universal control remains elusive. Here, we report the experimental realization of time-optimal universal control of spin qubits in diamond. By generalizing a recent method for solving quantum brachistochrone equations [X. Wang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 170501 (2015)], we obtained accurate minimum-time protocols for multiple qubits with fixed qubit interactions and a constrained control field. Single- and two-qubit time-optimal gates are experimentally implemented with fidelities of 99% obtained via quantum process tomography. Our work provides a time-optimal route to achieve accurate quantum control and unlocks new capabilities for the emerging field of time-optimal control in general quantum systems.

  • Monday November 21 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Michael Rumetshofer on
    "Some Statistics concerning the Austrian Presidential Election 2016" ,
    E. Neuwirth and W. Schachermayer
    arXiv:1609.00506 (2016)

    The 2016 Austrian presidential runoff election has been repealed by the Austrian constitutional court. The results of the counted votes had yielded a victory of Alexander van der Bellen by a margin of 30.863 votes as compared to the votes for Norbert Hofer. However, the constitutional court found that 77.769 votes were "contaminated" as there have been -- at least on a formal level - violations of the legal procedure when counting those votes. For example, the envelopes were opened prematurely, or not all the members of the electoral board were present during the counting etc. Hence the court considered the scenario that the irregular counting of these votes might have caused a reversal of the result as possible. The constitutional court sentenced that this possibility presents a sufficient irregularity in order to order a repetition of the entire election. While it is, of course, possible that the irregular counting of those 77.769 votes reversed the result, we shall show that the probability, that this indeed has happened, is ridiculously low.

  • Monday November 14 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Florian Maislinger on
    "Solving the Quantum Many-Body Problem with Artificial Neural Networks" ,
    G. Carleo, M. Troyer

    The challenge posed by the many-body problem in quantum physics originates from the difficulty of describing the non-trivial correlations encoded in the exponential complexity of the many-body wave function. Here we demonstrate that systematic machine learning of the wave function can reduce this complexity to a tractable computational form, for some notable cases of physical interest. We introduce a variational representation of quantum states based on artificial neural networks with variable number of hidden neurons. A reinforcement-learning scheme is then demonstrated, capable of either finding the ground-state or describing the unitary time evolution of complex interacting quantum systems. We show that this approach achieves very high accuracy in the description of equilibrium and dynamical properties of prototypical interacting spins models in both one and two dimensions, thus offering a new powerful tool to solve the quantum many-body problem.

  • Monday November 07 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Martin Tazreiter on
    "The Investigation of Electron Distribution in Atoms by Electron Diffraction" ,
    L. S. Bartell and L. O. Brockway
    Phys. Rev. 90, 833 (1953)

    A procedure is developed for obtaining the radial distribution of electrons in free atoms from electron diffraction data which makes use of the similarity of the expressions characterizing the scattering of fast electrons and x-rays by atoms. Requirements are formulated pertaining to accuracy and angular range of data for such studies. A brief comparison is made of the method with the analogous x-ray method. Electron diffraction data for argon over the range of 0.9 to 44 in units of 4 π sin(θ/2)/ λ are presented and found to give an experimental electron distribution resolving the K, L, and M shells of argon in satisfactory agreement with the Hartree distribution.

  • Monday October 17 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Daniel Bauernfeind on
    "More Is Different" ,
    P. W. Anderson
    Science V177,4047, 393-396 (1972)

    Broken symmetry and the nature of hierarchical structure of science.

  • Monday October 10 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Robert Triebl on
    "Observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in an analogue black hole" ,
    J. Steinhauer
    Nature Physics (2016) 10.1038/nphys3863

    We observe spontaneous Hawking radiation, stimulated by quantum vacuum fluctuations, emanating from an analogue black hole in an atomic Bose–Einstein condensate. Correlations are observed between the Hawking particles outside the black hole and the partner particles inside. These correlations indicate an approximately thermal distribution of Hawking radiation. We find that the high-energy pairs are entangled, while the low-energy pairs are not, within the reasonable assumption that excitations with different frequencies are not correlated. The entanglement verifies the quantum nature of the Hawking radiation. The results are consistent with a driven oscillation experiment and a numerical simulation.

SS 2015/2016

  • Tuesday June 28 2016, 17:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Antonius Dorda on
    "Many-body current formula and current conservation for non-equilibrium fully interacting nanojunctions" ,
    H. Ness and L. K. Dash
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45, 19

    We consider the electron transport properties through fully interacting nanoscale junctions beyond the linear-response regime. We calculate the current flowing through an interacting region connected to two interacting leads, with interaction crossing at the left and right contacts, by using a non-equilibrium Green function technique. The total current at one interface (the left one for example) is made of several terms which can be regrouped into two sets. The first set corresponds to a very generalized Landauer-like current formula with physical quantities defined only in the interacting central region and with renormalized lead self-energies. The second set characterizes inelastic scattering events occurring in the left lead. We show how this term can be negligible or even vanish due to the pseudo-equilibrium statistical properties of the lead in the thermodynamic limit. The expressions for the different Green functions needed for practical calculations of the current are also provided. We determine the constraints imposed by the physical condition of current conservation. The corresponding equation imposed on the different self-energy quantities arising from the current conservation is derived. We discuss in detail its physical interpretation and its relation with previously derived expressions. Finally several important key features are discussed in relation to the implementation of our formalism for calculations of quantum transport in realistic systems.

  • Monday June 20 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Daniel Bauernfeind on
    "Undecidability of the spectral gap",
    T. S. Cubitt, D. Perez-Garcia and M. M. Wolf
    Nature 528, 207-211, (2015)

    The spectral gap-the energy difference between the ground state and first excited state of a system-is central to quantum many-body physics. Many challenging open problems, such as the Haldane conjecture, the question of the existence of gapped topological spin liquid phases, and the Yang-Mills gap conjecture, concern spectral gaps. These and other problems are particular cases of the general spectral gap problem: given the Hamiltonian of a quantum many-body system, is it gapped or gapless? Here we prove that this is an undecidable problem. Specifically, we construct families of quantum spin systems on a two-dimensional lattice with translationally invariant, nearest-neighbour interactions, for which the spectral gap problem is undecidable. This result extends to undecidability of other low-energy properties, such as the existence of algebraically decaying ground-state correlations. The proof combines Hamiltonian complexity techniques with aperiodic tilings, to construct a Hamiltonian whose ground state encodes the evolution of a quantum phase-estimation algorithm followed by a universal Turing machine. The spectral gap depends on the outcome of the corresponding "halting problem". Our result implies that there exists no algorithm to determine whether an arbitrary model is gapped or gapless, and that there exist models for which the presence or absence of a spectral gap is independent of the axioms of mathematics.

  • Monday June 13 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Florian Maislinger on
    "Classic Nintendo Games are (Computationally) Hard" ,
    G. Aloupis, E. D. Demaine, A. Guo, G. Viglietta
    arXiv:1203.1895 (2012)

    We prove NP-hardness results for five of Nintendo's largest video game franchises: Mario, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Pokemon. Our results apply to generalized versions of Super Mario Bros. 1-3, The Lost Levels, and Super Mario World; Donkey Kong Country 1-3; all Legend of Zelda games; all Metroid games; and all Pokemon role-playing games. In addition, we prove PSPACE-completeness of the Donkey Kong Country games and several Legend of Zelda games.

  • Monday June 6 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Michael Rumetshofer on
    "Quantum Thermal Transistor" ,
    K. Joulain, J. Drevillon, Y. Ezzahri, and J. Ordonez-Miranda
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 200601 (2016)

    We demonstrate that a thermal transistor can be made up with a quantum system of three interacting subsystems, coupled to a thermal reservoir each. This thermal transistor is analogous to an electronic bipolar one with the ability to control the thermal currents at the collector and at the emitter with the imposed thermal current at the base. This is achieved by determining the heat fluxes by means of the strong-coupling formalism. For the case of three interacting spins, in which one of them is coupled to the other two, that are not directly coupled, it is shown that high amplification can be obtained in a wide range of energy parameters and temperatures. The proposed quantum transistor could, in principle, be used to develop devices such as a thermal modulator and a thermal amplifier in nanosystems.

  • Monday May 23 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Johann Pototschnig on
    "Lattice simulations of the thermodynamics of strongly interacting elementary particles and the exploration of new phases of matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions" ,
    F. Karsch
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2006, 46, 122

    At high temperatures or densities matter formed by strongly interacting elementary particles (hadronic matter) is expected to undergo a transition to a new form of matter - the quark gluon plasma - in which elementary particles (quarks and gluons) are no longer confined inside hadrons but are free to propagate in a thermal medium much larger in extent than the typical size of a hadron. The transition to this new form of matter as well as properties of the plasma phase are studied in large scale numerical calculations based on the theory of strong interactions - Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD). Experimentally properties of hot and dense elementary particle matter are studied in relativistic heavy ion collisions such as those currently performed at the relativistic heavy ion collider (RHIC) at BNL. We review here recent results from studies of thermodynamic properties of strongly interacting elementary particle matter performed on Teraflops-Computer. We present results on the QCD equation of state and discuss the status of studies of the phase diagram at non-vanishing baryon number density.

  • Monday May 09 2016, 16:15 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Gerhard Dorn on
    "True Randomness: Indeterministic quantum mechanics vs hidden variable theories (de Brolie-Bohm Theory)" ,
    This journal club will provide a general discussion of the terminus "randomness", meant is real randomness addressing the question of determinism in quantum mechanics. Properties of QM (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, EPR-paradoxon) have led to intensive discussion about "spooky actions at a distance", about reality and determinism itself. Beside the Copenhager interpretation there have been also different approaches to address this fundamental question. I will present some ideas of the following sources to give an overview of available theories and leave some space for discussion.

  • Monday May 02 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Max Sorantin on
    "Symmetry Breaking and the Geometry of Reduced Density Matrices" ,
    V. Zauner, D. Draxler, L. Vanderstraeten, J. Haegeman, F. Verstraete
    arXiv:1412.7642 (2014)

    The concept of symmetry breaking and the emergence of corresponding local order parameters constitute the pillars of modern day many body physics. The theory of quantum entanglement is currently leading to a paradigm shift in understanding quantum correlations in many body systems and in this work we show how symmetry breaking can be understood from this wavefunction centered point of view. We demonstrate that the existence of symmetry breaking is a consequence of the geometric structure of the convex set of reduced density matrices of all possible many body wavefunctions. The surfaces of those convex bodies exhibit non-analytic behavior in the form of ruled surfaces, which turn out to be the defining signatures for the emergence of symmetry breaking and of an associated order parameter. We illustrate this by plotting the convex sets arising in the context of three paradigmatic examples of many body systems exhibiting symmetry breaking: the quantum Ising model in transverse magnetic field, exhibiting a second order quantum phase transition; the classical Ising model at finite temperature in two dimensions, which orders below a critical temperature Tc; and a system of free bosons at finite temperature in three dimensions, exhibiting the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation together with an associated order parameter <ψ>. Remarkably, these convex sets look all very much alike. We believe that this wavefunction based way of looking at phase transitions demystifies the emergence of order parameters and provides a unique novel tool for studying exotic quantum phenomena.

  • Monday April 25 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Elias Assmann on
    "Infinite variance in fermion quantum Monte Carlo calculations" ,
    H. Shi, and S. Zhang
    Phys. Rev. E 93, 033303, (2016)

    For important classes of many-fermion problems, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods allow exact calculations of ground-state and finite-temperature properties without the sign problem. The list spans condensed matter, nuclear physics, and high-energy physics, including the half-filled repulsive Hubbard model, the spin-balanced atomic Fermi gas, and lattice quantum chromodynamics calculations at zero density with Wilson Fermions, and is growing rapidly as a number of problems have been discovered recently to be free of the sign problem. In these situations, QMC calculations are relied on to provide definitive answers. Their results are instrumental to our ability to understand and compute properties in fundamental models important to multiple subareas in quantum physics. It is shown, however, that the most commonly employed algorithms in such situations have an infinite variance problem. A diverging variance causes the estimated Monte Carlo statistical error bar to be incorrect, which can render the results of the calculation unreliable or meaningless. We discuss how to identify the infinite variance problem. An approach is then proposed to solve the problem. The solution does not require major modifications to standard algorithms, adding a "bridge link" to the imaginary-time path integral. The general idea is applicable to a variety of situations where the infinite variance problem may be present. Illustrative results are presented for the ground state of the Hubbard model at half-filling.

  • Monday April 18 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Irakli Titvinidze on
    "Renormalization-group approach to the Anderson model of dilute magnetic alloys. I. Static properties for the symmetric case" ,
    H. R. Krishna-murthy, J. W. Wilkins, and K. G. Wilson
    Phys. Rev. B 21, 1003, (1980)

    The temperature-dependent impurity susceptibility for the symmetric Anderson model is calculated for all physically relevant values of its parameters U (the Coulomb correlation energy) and Γ (the impurity-level width). It is shown that, when U>πΓ, for temperatures T < U/(10*k_B) the symmetric Anderson model exhibits a local moment and that its susceptibility maps neatly onto that of the spin-1/2 Kondo model with an effective coupling given by ρJeff=-8Γ/(πU). Furthermore, this mapping is shown for remarkably large values of |ρJeff|. At very low temperatures (much smaller than the Kondo temperature) the local moment is frozen out, just as for the Kondo model, leading to a strong-coupling regime of constant susceptibility at zero termperature. The results also depict the formation of a local moment from the free orbital as T drops below U, a feature not present in the Kondo model. Finally, when U<<πΓ there is a direct transition from free-orbital regime for T>>Γ to the strong-coupling regime for T<<Γ. The calculations were performed using the numerical renormalization group originally developed by Wilson for the Kondo problem. In addition to the actual numerical calculations, analytic results are presented. In particular, the effective Hamiltonians, i.e., fixed-point Hamiltonian plus relevant and marginal operators, are constructed for the free-orbital, local-moment, and strong-coupling regimes. Analytic formulas for the impurity susceptibility and free energy in all three regimes are developed. The impurity specfic heat in the strong-coupling regime is calculated.

  • Monday April 11 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Andriy Smolyanyuk on
    "A multi-directional backlight for a wide-angle, glasses-free three-dimensional display" ,
    D. Fattal, Z. Peng, T. Tran, S. Vo, M. Fiorentino, J. Brug, R. G. Beausoleil
    Nature 495, 348-351 (2013)

    Multiview three-dimensional (3D) displays can project the correct perspectives of a 3D image in many spatial directions simultaneously. They provide a 3D stereoscopic experience to many viewers at the same time with full motion parallax and do not require special glasses or eye tracking. None of the leading multiview 3D solutions is particularly well suited to mobile devices (watches, mobile phones or tablets), which require the combination of a thin, portable form factor, a high spatial resolution and a wide full-parallax view zone (for short viewing distance from potentially steep angles). Here we introduce a multi-directional diffractive backlight technology that permits the rendering of high-resolution, full-parallax 3D images in a very wide view zone (up to 180 degrees in principle) at an observation distance of up to a metre. The key to our design is a guided-wave illumination technique based on light-emitting diodes that produces wide-angle multiview images in colour from a thin planar transparent lightguide. Pixels associated with different views or colours are spatially multiplexed and can be independently addressed and modulated at video rate using an external shutter plane. To illustrate the capabilities of this technology, we use simple ink masks or a high-resolution commercial liquid-crystal display unit to demonstrate passive and active (30 frames per second) modulation of a 64-view backlight, producing 3D images with a spatial resolution of 88 pixels per inch and full-motion parallax in an unprecedented view zone of 90 degrees. We also present several transparent hand-held prototypes showing animated sequences of up to six different 200-view images at a resolution of 127 pixels per inch.

  • Monday March 21 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Gernot Kraberger on
    "Evidence of an odd-parity hidden order in a spin-orbit coupled correlated iridate" ,
    L. Zhao, D. H. Torchinsky, H. Chu, V. Ivanov, R. Lifshitz, R. Flint, T. Qi, G. Cao, D. Hsieh
    Nature Physics 12, 32-36 (2016)

    A rare combination of strong spin-orbit coupling and electron-electron correlations makes the iridate Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 a promising host for novel electronic phases of matter. The resemblance of its crystallographic, magnetic and electronic structures to La2CuO4, as well as the emergence on doping of a pseudogap region and a low-temperature d-wave gap, has particularly strengthened analogies to cuprate high-Tc superconductors. However, unlike the cuprate phase diagram, which features a plethora of broken symmetry phases in a pseudogap region that includes charge density wave, stripe, nematic and possibly intra-unit-cell loop-current orders, no broken symmetry phases proximate to the parent antiferromagnetic Mott insulating phase in Sr2IrO4 have been observed so far, making the comparison of iridate to cuprate phenomenology incomplete. Using optical second-harmonic generation, we report evidence of a hidden non-dipolar magnetic order in Sr2IrO4 that breaks both the spatial inversion and rotational symmetries of the underlying tetragonal lattice. Four distinct domain types corresponding to discrete 90°-rotated orientations of a pseudovector order parameter are identified using nonlinear optical microscopy, which is expected from an electronic phase that possesses the symmetries of a magneto-electric loop-current order. The onset temperature of this phase is monotonically suppressed with bulk hole doping, albeit much more weakly than the Néel temperature, revealing an extended region of the phase diagram with purely hidden order. Driving this hidden phase to its quantum critical point may be a path to realizing superconductivity in Sr2IrO4.

  • Monday March 14 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Robert Triebl on
    "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger" ,
    B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102

    On September 14, 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory simultaneously observed a transient gravitational-wave signal. The signal sweeps upwards in frequency from 35 to 250 Hz with a peak gravitational-wave strain of 1.0x10-21. It matches the waveform predicted by general relativity for the inspiral and merger of a pair of black holes and the ringdown of the resulting single black hole. The signal was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203 000 years, equivalent to a significance greater than 5.1σ. The source lies at a luminosity distance of 410+160-180 Mpc corresponding to a redshift z=0.09+0.03-0.04. In the source frame, the initial black hole masses are 36+5-4 M☉ and 29+4-4 M☉, and the final black hole mass is 62+4-4 M☉, with 3.0+0.5-0.5M☉c2 radiated in gravitational waves. All uncertainties define 90% credible intervals. These observations demonstrate the existence of binary stellar-mass black hole systems. This is the first direct detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of a binary black hole merger.

  • Monday February 29 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Manuel Zingl on
    "Rare-earth vs. heavy metal pigments and their colors from first principles" ,
    J. M. Tomczak, L. V. Pourovskii, L. Vaugier, A. Georges, S. Biermann
    PNAS, Vol. 110 No. 3, 904-907

    Many inorganic pigments contain heavy metals hazardous to health and environment. Much attention has been devoted to the quest for nontoxic alternatives based on rare-earth elements. However, the computation of colors from first principles is a challenge to electronic structure methods, especially for materials with localized f-orbitals. Here, starting from atomic positions only, we compute the colors of the red pigment cerium fluorosulfide as well as mercury sulfide (classic vermilion). Our methodology uses many-body theories to compute the optical absorption combined with an intermediate length-scale modelization to assess how coloration depends on film thickness, pigment concentration, and granularity. We introduce a quantitative criterion for the performance of a pigment. While for mercury sulfide, this criterion is satisfied because of large transition matrix elements between wide bands, cerium fluorosulfide presents an alternative paradigm: the bright red color is shown to stem from the combined effect of the quasi-2D and the localized nature of Graphic states. Our work shows the power of modern computational methods, with implications for the theoretical design of materials with specific optical properties.

WS 2015/2016

  • Monday January 25 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Johann Pototschnig on
    "Direct measurement of the quantum wavefunction" ,
    J. S. Lundeen, B. Sutherland, A. Patel, C. Stewart, C. Bamber
    Nature 474, 7350, 188-191

    The wavefunction is the complex distribution used to completely describe a quantum system, and is central to quantum theory. But despite its fundamental role, it is typically introduced as an abstract element of the theory with no explicit definition. Rather, physicists come to a working understanding of the wavefunction through its use to calculate measurement outcome probabilities by way of the Born rule. At present, the wavefunction is determined through tomographic methods, which estimate the wavefunction most consistent with a diverse collection of measurements. The indirectness of these methods compounds the problem of defining the wavefunction. Here we show that the wavefunction can be measured directly by the sequential measurement of two complementary variables of the system. The crux of our method is that the first measurement is performed in a gentle way through weak measurement, so as not to invalidate the second. The result is that the real and imaginary components of the wavefunction appear directly on our measurement apparatus. We give an experimental example by directly measuring the transverse spatial wavefunction of a single photon, a task not previously realized by any method. We show that the concept is universal, being applicable to other degrees of freedom of the photon, such as polarization or frequency, and to other quantum systems - for example, electron spins, SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices) and trapped ions. Consequently, this method gives the wavefunction a straightforward and general definition in terms of a specific set of experimental operations. We expect it to expand the range of quantum systems that can be characterized and to initiate new avenues in fundamental quantum theory.

  • Monday January 18 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Daniel Bauernfeind on
    "Decoherence, the measurement problem, and interpretations of quantum mechanics" ,
    M. Schlosshauer
    Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 1267 (2005)

    Environment-induced decoherence and superselection have been a subject of intensive research over the past two decades, yet their implications for the foundational problems of quantum mechanics, most notably the quantum measurement problem, have remained a matter of great controversy. This paper is intended to clarify key features of the decoherence program, including its more recent results, and to investigate their application and consequences in the context of the main interpretive approaches of quantum mechanics. 

  • Monday January 11 2016, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Peter Pichler on
    "Communication with family and friends across the life course" ,
    T. David-Barrett, J. Kertesz, A. Rotkirch, A. Ghosh, K. Bhattacharya, D. Monsivais, K. Kaski

    Each stage of the human life course is characterized by a distinctive pattern of social relations. We study how the intensity and importance of the closest social contacts vary across the life course, using a large database of mobile communication from a European country. We first determine the most likely social relationship type from these mobile phone records by relating the age and gender of the caller and recipient to the frequency, length, and direction of calls. We then show how communication patterns between parents and children, romantic partner, and friends vary across the six main stages of the adult family life course. Young adulthood is dominated by a gradual shift of call activity from parents to close friends, and then to a romantic partner, culminating in the period of early family formation during which the focus is on the romantic partner. During middle adulthood call patterns suggest a high dependence on the parents of the ego, who, presumably often provide alloparental care, while at this stage female same-gender friendship also peaks. During post-reproductive adulthood, individuals and especially women balance close social contacts among three generations. The age of grandparenthood brings the children entering adulthood and family formation into the focus, and is associated with a realignment of close social contacts especially among women, while the old age is dominated by dependence on their children.

  • Monday December 14 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Andrij Smolyanuyk on
    "A non-mathematical introduction to the superspace description of modulated structures" ,
    T. Wagnera and A. Schoenleberb
    Acta Crystallographica Section B, Volume 65, Part 3, June 2009

    The X-ray analysis of (6R,7aS)-6-(tert-butyl-dimethylsilanyloxy)-1-hydroxy-2-phenyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydropyrrolizin-3-one, C19H27NO3Si, revealed a diffraction pattern which is typical for modulated structures: strong Bragg peaks surrounded by weaker reflections which cannot be indexed with the same three reciprocal lattice vectors that are used to describe the strong peaks. For this class of crystal structures the concept of superspace has been developed which, however, for many crystallographers still constitutes a Gordian Knot. As a possible tool to cut this knot the crystal structure of the above-mentioned tetrahydropyrrolizinone derivative is presented as an illustrative example for handling and describing the modulated structure of a typical pharmaceutical (i.e. molecular) compound. Having established a working knowledge of the concepts and terminology of the superspace approach a concise and detailed description of the complete process of peak indexing, data processing, structure solution and structure interpretation is presented for the incommensurately modulated crystal structure of the above-mentioned compound. The superspace symmetry applied is P21(α 0 γ)0; the (incommensurate) q vector components at 100 K are α = 0.1422(2) and γ = 0.3839(8).

  • Thursday December 10 2015, 14:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Antonius Dorda on
    "Shadows and Mirrors: Reconstructing Quantum States of Atom Motion" ,
    D. Leibfried, T. Pfau and C. Monro
    Physics Today, April 1998, page 22

    Quantum mechanics allows us only one incomplete glimpse of a wavefunction, but if systems can be identically prepared over and over, quantum equivalents of shadows and mirrors can provide the full picture.

  • Monday November 30 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Gernot Kraberger on
    "Observation of phononic helical edge states in a mechanical 'topological insulator'" ,
    R. Suesstrunk, S. D. Huber
    Science 349 (6243): 47-50
    or arXiv:1503.06808

    A topological insulator is characterized by a dichotomy between the interior and the edge of a finite system: While the bulk has a non-zero energy gap, the edges are forced to sustain excitations traversing these gaps. Originally proposed for electrons governed by quantum mechanics, it has remained an important open question if the same physics can be observed for systems obeying Newton's equations of motion. Here, we report on measurements that characterize the collective behavior of mechanical oscillators exhibiting the phenomenology of the quantum spin hall effect. The phononic edge modes are shown to be helical and we demonstrate their topological protection via the stability against imperfections. Our results open the door to the design of topological acoustic meta-materials that can capitalize on the stability of the surfaces phonons as reliable wave guides.

  • Thursday November 26 2015, 15:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Jakob Neumayer on
    "Effects of cocaine on honey bee dance behaviour" ,
    AB Barron, R. Maleszka, PG Helliwell, GE Robinson
    Journal of Experimental Biology 2009 212: 163-168

    The role of cocaine as an addictive drug of abuse in human society is hard to reconcile with its ecological role as a natural insecticide and plant-protective compound, preventing herbivory of coca plants (Erythroxylum spp.). This paradox is often explained by proposing a fundamental difference in mammalian and invertebrate responses to cocaine, but here we show effects of cocaine on honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) that parallel human responses. Forager honey bees perform symbolic dances to advertise the location and value of floral resources to their nest mates. Treatment with a low dose of cocaine increased the likelihood and rate of bees dancing after foraging but did not otherwise increase locomotor activity. This is consistent with cocaine causing forager bees to overestimate the value of the floral resources they collected. Further, cessation of chronic cocaine treatment caused a withdrawal-like response. These similarities likely occur because in both insects and mammals the biogenic amine neuromodulator systems disrupted by cocaine perform similar roles as modulators of reward and motor systems. Given these analogous responses to cocaine in insects and mammals, we propose an alternative solution to the paradox of cocaine reinforcement. Ecologically, cocaine is an effective plant defence compound via disruption of herbivore motor control but, because the neurochemical systems targeted by cocaine also modulate reward processing, the reinforcing properties of cocaine occur as a 'side effect'.

  • Monday November 16 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Florian Maislinger on
    "On the computational complexity of Ising spin glass models" ,
    F. Barahona
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Number 11, Volume 15 (1982), 3241

    In a spin glass with Ising spins, the problems of computing the magnetic partition function and finding a ground state are studied. In a finite two-dimensional lattice these problems can be solved by algorithms that require a number of steps bounded by a polynomial function of the size of the lattice. In contrast to this fact, the same problems are shown to belong to the class of NP-hard problems, both in the two-dimensional case within a magnetic field, and in the three-dimensional case. NP-hardness of a problem suggests that it is very unlikely that a polynomial algorithm could exist to solve it.

  • Monday November 09 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Gerhard Dorn on
    "The Holographic Principle" ,
    Gerard 't Hooft

    After a pedagogical overview of the present status of High-Energy Physics, some problems concerning physics at the Planck scale are formulated, and an introduction is given to a notion that became known as ``the holographic principle" in Planck scale physics, which is arrived at by studying quantum mechanical features of black holes.

  • Monday November 02 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Michael Rumetshofer on
    "Population Empirical Bayes" ,
    Alp Kucukelbir, David M. Blei

    Bayesian predictive inference analyzes a dataset to make predictions about new observations. When a model does not match the data, predictive accuracy suffers. We develop population empirical Bayes (POP-EB), a hierarchical framework that explicitly models the empirical population distribution as part of Bayesian analysis. We introduce a new concept, the latent dataset, as a hierarchical variable and set the empirical population as its prior. This leads to a new predictive density that mitigates model mismatch. We efficiently apply this method to complex models by proposing a stochastic variational inference algorithm, called bumping variational inference (BUMP-VI). We demonstrate improved predictive accuracy over classical Bayesian inference in three models: a linear regression model of health data, a Bayesian mixture model of natural images, and a latent Dirichlet allocation topic model of scientific documents.

  • Monday October 19 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Max Sorantin on
    "A Potential Foundation for Emergent Space-Time" ,
    Kevin H. Knuth, Newshaw Bahreyni

    We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied on assumptions such as the existence of a 4-dimensional manifold, symmetries of space-time, or the constant speed of light, we demonstrate that these now familiar mathematics can be derived as the unique means to consistently quantify a network of events. This suggests that space-time need not be physical, but instead the mathematics of space and time emerges as the unique way in which an observer can consistently quantify events and their relationships to one another. The result is a potential foundation for emergent space-time.

  • Monday October 12 2015, 16:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Robert Triebl on
    "It's been a Weyl coming" - Condensed-matter physics bring us quasiparticles that behave like massless fermions. ,
    B. Andrei Bernevig
    Nature Physics 11 (2015), 698 - 699

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday October 06 2015, 13:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Elias Assmann on
    "Spectral Properties of Strongly Correlated Materials"

    This talk is the presentation I will give at my thesis defense, as such it will be a rather broad overview of my thesis work. Thesis abstract follows. In strongly correlated materials, the inter-electron repulsion is only weakly screened. This property yields a multitude of remarkable phenomena; high-temperature superconductivity, to name but one prominent example. On the theoretical side, electronic correlation necessitates a sophisticated description of the electron-electron interaction, above and beyond such standard methods as semilocal density-functional theory (DFT). Thus, an improved understanding of such materials not only promises novel applications and technologies, it also represents one of the big challenges in contemporary physics. The present dissertation is concerned, on the one hand, with methods of theoretical solid state physics adapted to strongly correlated materials; in particular LDA+DMFT, the combination of DFT with dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). To connect these two approaches, a minimal basis of localized functions must be constructed. In the present case, this is accomplished using maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWF). In the course of this thesis, two computer codes have been improved and released to the scientific community, which perform parts of the LDA+DMFT program: (+) Wien2Wannier acts as an interface between the DFT package Wien2k and the MLWF code Wannier90. (+) Woptic computes the optical conductivity, dc conductivity, and thermopower from LDA+DMFT. Since the contributions to these quantities are often strongly localized in the Brillouin zone, an adaptive k-integration algorithm is used. On the other hand, an application to oxide heterostructures is presented, in particular to LaVO3|SrTiO3, which is a thin film of lanthanum vanadate on a strontium titanate substrate. This heterostructure has been suggested as an absorber material for high-efficiency solar cells as part of the present thesis [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 078701]. Experimental results building on this proposal have already appeared [e.g. Wang et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 064015].

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

SS 2014/2015

  • Friday June 19 2015, 14:00 c.t. @ seminar room C208, Steyrergasse 30/II :
    Univ.-Prof. Ulisse Stefanelli from University of Vienna on
    "Geometry optimization in carbon"

    Carbon nanostructures such as graphene, nanotubes, and fullerenes are locally planar: each atom forms three covalents bonds which (ideally) create bonding-angles of 2π/3. In distinguished regimes, this phenomenology can be modeled by minimizing specific atomic-interaction potentials including three-body interaction terms [T]. I intend to review some of the existing crystllization results for this kind of potentials [E,M,M2]. In particular, I will focus on the possibility of characterizing the geometry of energy minimizers, especially in three-dimensions. The stability, fine geometry, and partly the nanomechanics of classes of nanotubes and fullerenes will be discussed. This is joint work with M. Friedrich, E. Mainini, H. Murakawa, and P. Piovano.
    [E] W. E, D. Li. On the crystallization of 2D hexagonal lattices. Comm.Math. Phys. 286 (2009) 1099-1140.
    [M] E. Mainini, U. Stefanelli. Crystallization in carbon nanostructures. Comm. Math. Phys. 328 (2014) 545-571.
    [M2] E. Mainini, P.Piovano, U. Stefanelli. Finite crystallization in the square lattice. Nonlinearity, 27 (2014) 717-737.
    [T] J. Tersoff. New empirical approach for the structure and energy of covalent systems. Phys. Rev. B 37 (1988) 6991-7000.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday June 17 2015, 13:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor:
    Johann Pototschnig on
    "The permanent electric dipole moments of Rb-alkaline earth diatomic molecules"

    In a recent series of combined experimental and theoretical studies we investigated the ground state and several excited states of the Rb-alkaline earth molecules RbSr and RbCa[1,2,3]. The group of alkali-alkaline earth (AK-AKE) molecules has drawn attention in the last years for applications in ultracold molecular physics[4] and the measurement of fundamental constants[5] due to their large permanent electric and magnetic dipole moment in the ground state. These properties should allow for an easy manipulation of the molecules and simulations of spin models in optical lattices. In our studies we found that the permanent electric dipole moment points in the opposite direction for certain electronically excited states, and changes the sign in some cases as a function of the binding length. We summarize our results, give possible causes for the measured trends in terms of molecular orbital theory and extrapolate the tendencies to other combinations of AK and AKE-elements.
    [1] F. Lackner, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2014, 113, 153001
    [2] G. Krois, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 22373
    [3] J. Pototschnig, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 2015, 310, 126-134
    [4] A. Micheli, Nature Physics, 2006, 2, 341-347
    [5] M. Kajita, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 2014, 300, 99-107

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday June 10 2015, 13:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Gernot Kraberger on
    Evolutionary games of condensates in coupled birth-death processes ,
    J. Knebel, M.F. Weber, T. Krueger, E. Frey
    Nature Communications 6 (2015), 6977

    Condensation phenomena arise through a collective behaviour of particles. They are observed in both classical and quantum systems, ranging from the formation of traffic jams in mass transport models to the macroscopic occupation of the energetic ground state in ultra-cold bosonic gases (Bose-Einstein condensation). Recently, it has been shown that a driven and dissipative system of bosons may form multiple condensates. Which states become the condensates has, however, remained elusive thus far. The dynamics of this condensation are described by coupled birth-death processes, which also occur in evolutionary game theory. Here we apply concepts from evolutionary game theory to explain the formation of multiple condensates in such driven-dissipative bosonic systems. We show that the vanishing of relative entropy production determines their selection. The condensation proceeds exponentially fast, but the system never comes to rest. Instead, the occupation numbers of condensates may oscillate, as we demonstrate for a rock-paper-scissors game of condensates.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday June 03 2015, 13:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Jakob Neumayer on
    GOLLUM: a next-generation simulation tool for electron, thermal and spin transport ,
    J. Ferrer, C.J. Lambert, V.M. García-Suárez, D.Zs. Manrique, D. Visontai, L. Oroszlany, R. Rodríquez-Ferradás, I. Grace, S.W.D. Bailey, K. Gillemot, Hatef Sdeghi and L. A. Algharagholy
    New Journal of Physics 16 (2014) 093029

    We have developed an efficient simulation tool 'GOLLUM' for the computation of electrical, spin and thermal transport characteristics of complex nanostructures. The new multi-scale, multi-terminal tool addresses a number of new challenges and functionalities that have emerged in nanoscale-scale transport over the past few years. To illustrate the flexibility and functionality of GOLLUM, we present a range of demonstrator calculations encompassing charge, spin and thermal transport, corrections to density functional theory such as local density approximation +U (LDA+U) and spectral adjustments, transport in the presence of non-collinear magnetism, the quantum Hall effect, Kondo and Coulomb blockade effects, finite-voltage transport, multi-terminal transport, quantum pumps, superconducting nanostructures, environmental effects, and pulling curves and conductance histograms for mechanically-controlled break-junction experiments.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday May 19 2015, 15:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Marco Gandolfi from Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) on
    "QueDynamics of the Broken Symmetry Phases And Temperature Super-Lattice."

    The diffusion equation regulates the incoherent propagation of a local perturbation in many fundamental physical problems, such as the propagation of a temperature gradient or the relaxation of the order parameter in a broken-symmetry phase. The possibility of experimentally accessing the ultrafast timescale recently paved the way to the study of the non-equilibrium dynamics in the coherent regime, i.e. before a local thermalization is achieved. In this perspective, I analyze two prototypical cases in which a non-trivial wave-like behaviour emerges:

    (i) The generalized Fourier equation, which describes the propagation of temperature gradients upon non-adiabatic excitations.
    (ii) The coherent motion equation of the order parameter in a symmetry-broken phase, such as charge-density wave or superconductivity. The dynamics reduces to that described by the conventional time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation for the incoherent relaxation.

    Using a finite-element analysis, I investigate the coherent and incoherent dynamics in relation with time-resolved experiments. Furthermore, I will adress the possibility of creating a superlattice for the temperature and order-parameter waves.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday May 06 2015, 13:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Zhian Asadzadeh on
    "Quench dynamics in transverse field Ising model: non-equilibrium cluster perturbation theory (NE-CPT) approach"

    The recent generalization of cluster perturbation theory (CPT) [1] to out of equilibrium [2], so called non-equilibrium cluster perturbation theory (NE-CPT), is applied to study magnetic quench dynamics in transverse field Ising model. We mainly focus on the one dimensional case where exact solution is possible to demonstrate the strengths and the shortcomings of the approach. First at equilibrium we show that CPT could describe the system in quantum disordered phase but fails in ordered phase. By introducing source and drain like (broken U(1) symmetry ) variational parameter in the cluster Hamiltonian we produce almost exact results for the ordered phase as well. In the presence of U(1) symmetry breaking terms we must use the recent extension of CPT which has been presented for strongly correlated bosons in superfluid phase [3]. After well established equilibrium results we apply NE-CPT to study real time dynamics after magnetic quenches in the system. Instead of using general approach of non-equilibrium self energy functional theory [4] we approximate the time dependent variational parameters at mean-field level. We show that NE-CPT for finite systems produces results (for example 'z' component of spin operator) quite close to exact one if the quench does not cross the critical point (the point where separates ordered from disordered one at equilibrium). We show finally the dynamics for infinite system and compare them with exact one. We will discuss about some numerical details, efficient implementation and specially time propagation of the Kadanoff-Baym equations in the reformulated NE-CPT equation after using Langreth theorem.

    [1] David Sénéchal,
    [2] Matthias Balzer and Michael Potthoff, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195132 - (2011)
    [3] Michael Knap, Enrico Arigoni, and Wolfgang von der Linden, Phys. Rev. B 83, 134507 (2011)
    [4] Felix Hofmann, Martin Eckstein, Enrico Arrigoni, and Michael Potthoff, Phys. Rev. B 88, 165124 ( 2013)

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday April 29 2015, 13:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Irakli Titvinidze on
    "Many body physics with ultracold atoms"

    In my talk I will make short introduction in the ultracold atomic physics. The topics what I plan to touch are the following (according to [1]):
    (i) Cooling atoms (Section 4 (mainly introduction))
    (ii) Feshbach resonance (5.4.2 Elastic scattering and Feshbach resonances)
    (iv) Optical lattices (14.1 Generation of optical lattices)
    (v) Many body effects in Optical lattices (Section 14)

    [1] C. J. Pethick and H. Smith, Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases. 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2008

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday April 24 2015, 11:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Almas Hilman Muhtadi from KU Leuven (Belgium) on
    "Investigation of structure, chemical stability, electronic and magnetic properties of di- and tri-atomic Ln-based species (Dy, Tb, Ho, Er) and prediction of magnetic blocking in some model compounds"

    Currently, there are large numbers of Ln-based molecular magnets reported in the literature. Most of the well-performing molecular magnets are obtained for the Ln3+ ions, which have a well-defined 4fN ground electronic configuration. There is also a wellestablished computational methodology based on multiconfigurational ab initio calculations, enabling their theoretical investigation. The best performing molecular magnet predicts to date is the simple Dy-O+ cation, with a blocking barrier of some 3000 K. However, this prediction did not take into account the effect of other electronic shells of the Dy ion (5d, 6s, and 6p). These shells are known to be important for the species, which containing Ln2+and Ln1+. In this project, we investigated theoretically the structure of diatomic [Ln-X] and triatomic species[X-Ln-X] and [Ln-X2] (X= F, O, N, C). Optimization of the structure of several oxidation states of these species has been done with DFT B3LYP functional in Gaussian09 software. Further, the optimized structures has been proceded to high-level multiconfigurational ab initio wave function calculations such as RASSCF/RASPT2/ RASSI/SINGLE_ANISO using MOLCAS program package in order to determine the ground and low-lying excited spin-orbit states, magnetic anisotropy of low-lying states and magnetism of the investigated species. Within this study, the importance of the lanthanides 5d, 6s and 6p shells in the ground and excited states of the studied species has been clarified. Finally, the influence of these shells towards the magnetization blocking of these species are revealed.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday April 17 2015, 11:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Andriy Smolyanuyk from Uzhorod National University (Ukraine) on
    "Magnetic properties of single molecular magnets. Classical spin dynamics theory"

    The talk presents short introduction into the field of molecular magnetism and classical spin dynamics theory. The systems of interest are Fe4 star-shaped molecules. The aim of this work is to obtain coefficients of exchange interaction and magnetic anisotropy of this systems. The investigation is handled by using ab initio DFT approach with included consideration of non-collinear magnetism and spin-orbital interaction. Description of classical spin dynamics theory is given in Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert ansatz and gives its implementation and application for investigation of small systems.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday March 25 2015, 13:30 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Robert Triebl on
    "Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions" ,
    Gregor Jotzu, Michael Messer, Remi Desbuquois, Martin Lebrat, Thomas Uehlinger, Daniel Greif, Tilman Esslinger
    Nature 515 237-240 (2014)

    The Haldane model on a honeycomb lattice is a paradigmatic example of a Hamiltonian featuring topologically distinct phases of matter. It describes a mechanism through which a quantum Hall effect can appear as an intrinsic property of a band structure, rather than being caused by an external magnetic field. Although physical implementation has been considered unlikely, the Haldane model has provided the conceptual basis for theoretical and experimental research exploring topological insulators and superconductors. Here we report the experimental realization of the Haldane model and the characterization of its topological band structure, using ultracold fermionic atoms in a periodically modulated optical honeycomb lattice. The Haldane model is based on breaking both time-reversal symmetry and inversion symmetry. To break time-reversal symmetry, we introduce complex next-nearest-neighbour tunnelling terms, which we induce through circular modulation of the lattice position. To break inversion symmetry, we create an energy offset between neighbouring sites. Breaking either of these symmetries opens a gap in the band structure, which we probe using momentum-resolved interband transitions. We explore the resulting Berry curvatures, which characterize the topology of the lowest band, by applying a constant force to the atoms and find orthogonal drifts analogous to a Hall current. The competition between the two broken symmetries gives rise to a transition between topologically distinct regimes. By identifying the vanishing gap at a single Dirac point, we map out this transition line experimentally and quantitatively compare it to calculations using Floquet theory without free parameters. We verify that our approach, which allows us to tune the topological properties dynamically, is suitable even for interacting fermionic systems. Furthermore, we propose a direct extension to realize spin-dependent topological Hamiltonians.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik and ITPcp for support.

WS 2014/2015

  • Tuesday December 2 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Jakob Neumayer on
    "Pictures around the world! Part 1:Geological wonders of the USA - Arches, Canyons, Waves and Hoodoos" ,
    Follow me into the sandstone desert of Utah, Arizona and Nevada, where we find relicts of the landscape on our earth millions of years ago. Our journey will start in the capital city of the Mor mon Culture Salt Lake City and will take us to the most scenic National Parks in the western USA. We will find beautiful natural stone arches in the Arches National park, deeply carved canyons in the Canyonlands National park, the amazing stone pillars („Hoodoos“) of the Bryce Canyon, the unbeatable beauty of one of the most protected landmarks of the USA - „The Wave“ and loads of other stunning natural beauties like „Giant Sequoias“, „The Nose“ and „The Half Dome", „Devil’s Golf Course“, ...

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday November 25 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Antonius Dorda on
    "Solving nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory using matrix product states" ,
    F. Alexander Wolf, Ian P. McCulloch and Ulrich Schollwöck
    arXiv:1410.3342 (2014)

    We solve the nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) using matrix product states (MPS). This allows us to treat much larger bath sizes and by that reach substantially longer times (factor ∼ 2 -- 3) than with exact diagonalization. We show that the star geometry of the underlying impurity problem can have substantially better entanglement properties than the previously favoured chain geometry. This has immense consequences for the efficiency of an MPS-based description of general impurity problems: in the case of equilibrium DMFT, it leads to an orders-of-magnitude speedup. We introduce an approximation for the two-time hybridization function that uses time-translational invariance, which can be observed after a certain relaxation time after a quench to a time- independent Hamiltonian.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday November 18 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Johann Potoschnig on
    "Magnetotransport near a quantum critical point in a simple metal" ,
    Ya. B. Bazaliy, R. Ramazashvili, Q. Si and M. R. Norman
    Phys. Rev. B 69, 144423 (2004)

    We use geometric considerations to study transport properties, such as the conductivity and Hall coefficient, near the onset of a nesting-driven spin-density wave in a simple metal. In particular, motivated by recent experiments on vanadium-doped chromium, we study the variation of transport coefficients with the onset of magnetism within a mean-field treatment of a model that contains nearly nested electron and hole Fermi surfaces. We show that most transport coefficients display a leading dependence that is linear in the energy gap. The coefficient of the linear term, though, can be small. In particular, we find that the Hall conductivity σxy is essentially unchanged, due to electron- hole compensation, as the system goes through the quantum critical point. This conclusion extends a similar observation we made earlier for the case of completely flat Fermi surfaces to the immediate vicinity of the quantum critical point where nesting is present but not perfect.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday November 11 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Manuel Zingl on
    "Thermopower of the Correlated Narrow Gap Semiconductor FeSi and Comparison to RuSi" ,
    by Jan M. Tomczak, K. Haule and G. Kotliar
    arXiv:1210.3379 (2012)

    Iron based narrow gap semiconductors such as FeSi, FeSb2, or FeGa3 have received a lot of attention because they exhibit a large thermopower, as well as striking similarities to heavy fermion Kondo insulators. Many proposals have been advanced, however, lacking quantitative methodologies applied to this problem, a consensus remained elusive to date. Here, we employ realistic many-body calculations to elucidate the impact of electronic correlation effects on FeSi. Our methodology accounts for all substantial anomalies observed in FeSi: the metallization, the lack of conservation of spectral weight in optical spectroscopy, and the Curie susceptibility. In particular we find a very good agreement for the anomalous thermoelectric power. Validated by this congruence with experiment, we further discuss a new physical picture of the microscopic nature of the insulator-to-metal crossover. Indeed, we find the suppression of the Seebeck coefficient to be driven by correlation induced incoherence. Finally, we compare FeSi to its iso-structural and iso-electronic homologue RuSi, and predict that partially substituted Fe(1-x)Ru(x)Si will exhibit an increased thermopower at intermediate temperatures.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday November 4 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Irakli Titvinidze on
    "Inverse indirect magnetic exchange in one and higher dimensions " ,
    by Andrej Schwabe, Irakli Titvinidze, and Michael Potthoff
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 121107(R) (2013)

    The magnetic ground-state properties of the periodic Anderson and Kondo-lattice model with a regular depletion of the correlated sites are analyzed by means of different theoretical and numerical approaches. We consider the model on the one-dimensional chain and on the two-dimensional square lattice with hopping between nearest neighbors. At half-filling and with correlated impurities present at every second site, the depleted periodic Anderson and Kondo lattice models are the most simple systems where the indirect magnetic coupling mediated by the conduction electrons is ferromagnetic. We discuss the underlying electronic structure and the possible mechanisms that result in ferromagnetic long-range order. To this end, different numerical and analytical concepts are applied to the depleted Anderson and also to the related depleted Kondo lattice and are contrasted with each other. This includes numerical approaches, i.e. Hartree-Fock theory, density-matrix renormalization and dynamical mean-field theory, as well as analytical concepts, namely a variant of the Lieb-Mattis theorem, the concept of flat-band ferromagnetism, and perturbative approaches, i.e. the effective RKKY exchange in the limit of weak and the “inverse indirect magnetic exchange” in the limit of strong coupling between the conduction band and the impurities. Finally, we also investigate robustness of the ferromagnetic state for finite temperatures and away of the half-filling.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday October 28 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 3rd floor :
    Priyanka Seth on
    "Frequency-dependent local interactions and low-energy effective models from electronic structure calculations" ,
    by F. Aryasetiawan, M. Imada, A. Georges, G. Kotliar, S. Biermann, and A. I. Lichtenstein
    Phys. Rev. B 70, 195104 (2004)

    We propose a systematic procedure for constructing effective models of strongly correlated materials. The parameters, in particular the on-site screened Coulomb interaction U, are calculated from first principles, using the random-phase approximation. We derive an expression for the frequency-dependent U(w) and show, for the case of nickel, that its high-frequency part has significant influence on the spectral functions. We propose a scheme for taking into account the energy dependence of U(w), so that a model with an energy-independent local interaction can still be used for low-energy properties.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Tuesday October 21 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Christopher Albert on
    "Space... The final frontier... These are the voyages of the Starship Voyager 1. Its continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds... To seek out new life; new civilisations... To boldly go where no one has gone before!" ,
    by S. M. Krimigis, R. B. Decker, E. C. Roelof, M. E. Hill, T. P. Armstrong, G. Gloeckler, D. C. Hamilton and L. J. Lanzerotti
    Science 34 6142, 144-147 (2013)
    by L. F. Burlaga, N. F. Ness and E. C. Stone
    Science 34 6142, 147-150 (2013)
    by E. C. Stone, A. C. Cummings, F. B. McDonald, B. C. Heikkila, N. Lal and W. R. Webber
    Science 34 6142, 150-153 (2013)

    We report measurements of energetic (>40 kiloelectron volts) charged particles on Voyager 1 from the interface region between the heliosheath, dominated by heated solar plasma, and the local interstellar medium, which is expected to contain cold nonsolar plasma and the galactic magnetic field. Particles of solar origin at Voyager 1, located at 18.5 billion kilometers (123 astronomical units) from the Sun, decreased by a 3factor of >10 on 25 August 2012, while those of galactic origin (cosmic rays) increased by 9.3% at the same time. Intensity changes appeared first for particles moving in the azimuthal direction and were followed by those moving in the radial and antiradial directions with respect to the solar radius vector. This unexpected heliospheric “depletion region” may form part of the interface between solar plasma and the galaxy

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

SS 2013/2014

  • Thursday June 26 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Robert Triebl on
    BICEP2 I: Detection Of B-mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales,
    by BICEP2 Collaboration
    arXiv:1403.3985v2 (2014)

    We report r esults from the BICEP2 experiment, a Cosmic Microwa ve Background (CMB) polarimeter specifically designed to search for the signal of inflationary gravitational waves in the B-mode power spectrum around l=80. The telescope comprised a 26 cm aperture all -cold refracting optical system equipped with a focal plane of 512 antenna coupled transition edge sensor (TES) 150 GHz bolometers each with temperature sensitivity of approx. 300 uk.sqrt(s). BICEP2 observed from the South Pole for three seasons from 2010 to 2012. A low - foreground region of sky with an effecti ve area of 380 square degrees was observed to a depth of 87 nK- degrees in Stokes Q and U. In this paper we describe the observations, data reduction, maps, simulations and results. We find an excess of B-mode power over the base lensed-LCDM expectation in the range 305σ. Through jackknife tests and simulations based on detailed calibration measurements we show that systematic contamination is much smaller than the observed excess. We also estimate potential foreground signals and find that available models predict these to be considerably smaller than the observed signal. These foreground models possess no significant cross - correlation with our maps. Additionally, cross -correlating BICEP2 against 100 GHz maps from the BICEP1 experiment, the excess signal is confirmed with 3σ significance and its spectral index is found to be consistent with that of the CMB, disfavoring synchrotron or dust at 2.3σ and 2.2σ, respectively. The observed B-mode power spectrum is well -fit by a lensed-LCDM + tensor theoretical model with tensor/scalar ratio r=0.20+0.07−0.05, with r=0 disfavored at 7.0σ. Subtracting the best available estimate for foreground dust modifies the likelihood slightly so that r=0 is disfavored at 5.9σ.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday June 13 2014, 10:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Aleksey Kolmogorov on
    Prediction and discovery of exotic materials with an evolutionary search ,

    [1] A.N. Kolmogorov, (2009)
    [2] A.G. Van Der Geest and A.N. Kolmogorov, CALPHAD, 46 184 (2014)
    [3] H. Gou, N. Dubrovinskaia, E. Bykova, A. A. Tsirlin, D. Kasinathan, A. Ric hter, M. Merlini, M. Hanfland, A. M. Abakumov, D. Batuk, G. Van Tendeloo, Y. Nakajima, A. N. Kolmogorov, L. Dubrovinsky, PRL 111, 157002 (2013)
    [4] A. N. Kolmogorov, S. Shah, E. R. Margine, A. K. Kleppe, and A. P. Jephcoat, PRL 109, 075501 (2012)
    [5] A.N. Kolmogorov, S. Shah, E.R. Margine, A.F. Bialon, T. Hammerschmidt, R. Drautz PRL 105, 217003 (2010)
    In the search for new phonon-mediated superconductors, we have recently completed the most extensive ab initio analysis of metal boride materials. A combination of high-throughput screening, targeted evolutionary search [1], and rational design has been employed to examine over 12,000 relevant M-B candidate materials [2]. Dozens of synthesizable brand-new structures or compounds have been identified under ambient and elevated pressures. Some of the predictions have already been confirmed in joint experiments [3-5]. They discovered materials include an unexpected Fe-based phonon-mediated superconductor and a surprisingly complex high-pressure polymorph of CaB6 .

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday May 22 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Gerhard Unger on
    Numerical methods for eigenvalue problems using contour integration ,

    T. Sakurai, J. Futamura, H. Tadano: Efficient parameter estimation and implementation of a contour integral - based eigensolver, J. Algorithms Comput. Technol. 7 (2013), no. 3, 249--269.

    E. Polizzi: A density matrix-based algorithm for solving eigenvalue problems , Phys. Rev. B 79, 115112 (2009).

    Numerical methods for eigenvalue problems using contour integration have attracted recently much attention. These methods are suitable for the approximation of all eigenvalues (and all related eigenvectors) of an eigenvalue problem inside of a given contour in the complex plane. The basic principle of these methods is that the invariant subspace (span of eigenvectors), which is related to the eigenvalues inside of a given contour, can be represented by using the integral over the contour of the resolvent. An efficient approximation of such contour integrals is possible by standard numerical quadrature schemes, e. g., by the composite trapezoidal rule. One important variant of these methods can be considered as a Rayleigh-Ritz type method where the eigenvalue problem is projected to the approximated invariant subspace which is computed by the contour integration of the resolvent. One advantage of this variant compared with a Krylov-type method is the better and easier scalability on parallel computer architectures. In my talk the basic principles of numerical methods for eigenvalue problems which are based on contour integration are introduced and the Rayleigh-Ritz type variant is described.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday May 22 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Martin Ganahl on
    Characterizing Topological Order by Studying the Ground States on an Infinite Cylinder,
    by L. Cincio and G. Vidal
    PRL 110, 067208 (2013)

    Given a microscopic lattice Hamiltonian for a topologically ordered phase, we propose a numerical approach to characterize its emergent anyon model and, in a chiral phase, also its gapless edge theory. First, a tensor network representation of a complete, orthonormal set of ground states on a cylinder of infinite length and finite width is obtained through numerical optimization. Each of these ground states is argued to have a different anyonic flux threading through the cylinder. Then a quasiorthogonal basis on the torus is produced by chopping off and reconnecting the tensor network representation on the cylinder. From these two bases, and by using a number of previous results, most notably the recent proposal of Y. Zhang et al. [Phys. Rev. B 85, 235151 (2012)] to extract the modular U and S matrices, we obtain (i) a complete list of anyon types i, together with (ii) their quantum dimensions di and total quantum dimension D, (iii) their fusion rules Nijk, (iv) their mutual statistics, as encoded in the off-diagonal entries Sij of S, (v) their self-statistics or topological spins θi, (vi) the topological central charge c of the anyon model, and, in a chiral phase (vii) the low energy spectrum of each sector of the boundary conformal field theory. As a concrete application, we study the hard-core boson Haldane model by using the two-dimensional density matrix renormalization group. A thorough characterization of its universal bulk and edge properties unambiguously shows that it realizes a ν=1/2 bosonic fractional quantum Hall state.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday May 15 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Johann Pototschnig on
    Subjective probability and quantum certainty,
    by Carlton M. Caves, Christopher A. Fuchs and Ruediger Schack

    In the Bayesian approach to quantum mechanics, probabilities--and thus quantum states--represent an agent's degrees of belief, rather than corresponding to objective properties of physical systems. In this paper we investigate the concept of certainty in quantum mechanics. Particularly, we show how the probability-1 predictions derived from pure quantum states highlight a fundamental difference between our Bayesian approach, on the one hand, and Copenhagen and similar interpretations on the other. We first review the main arguments for the general claim that probabilities always represent degrees of belief. We then argue that a quantum state prepared by some physical device always depends on an agent's prior beliefs, implying that the probability-1 predictions derived from that state also depend on the agent's prior beliefs. Quantum certainty is therefore always some agent's certainty. Conversely, if facts about an experimental setup could imply agent-independent certainty for a measurement outcome, as in many Copenhagen-like interpretations, that outcome would effectively correspond to a preexisting system property. The idea that measurement outcomes occurring with certainty correspond to preexisting system properties is, however, in conflict with locality. We emphasize this by giving a version of an argument of Stairs [A. Stairs, Phil. Sci. 50, 578 (1983)], which applies the Kochen-Specker theorem to an entangled bipartite system.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday May 8 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Georg Huhs on
    SIESTA-PEXSI: Massively parallel method for efficient and accurate ab initio materials simulation without matrix diagonalization ,
    by Georg Huhs

    We describe a scheme for efficient large-scale electronic-structure calculations based on the combination of the pole expansion and selected inversion (PEXSI) technique with the SIESTA method, which uses numerical atomic orbitals within the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KSDFT) framework. The PEXSI technique can efficiently utilize the sparsity pattern of the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices generated in SIESTA, and for large systems has a much lower computational complexity than that associated with the matrix diagonalization procedure. The PEXSI technique can evaluate the electron density, free energy, atomic forces, density of states and local density of states without computing any eigenvalue or eigenvector of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian, and with accuracy fully comparable to that obtained from the matrix diagonalization procedure for general systems, including metallic systems at low temperature. The PEXSI method is also highly scalable, with the recently developed massively parallel PEXSI technique making efficient usage of more than 10, 000 processors on high performance machines. We demonstrate the performance and accuracy of the SIESTA-PEXSI method using several examples of large scale electronic structure calculations, including 1D, 2D and bulk problems with insulating, semi-metallic, and metallic character.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday April 10 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Manuel Zingl on
    Spin Density Waves in the Hubbard model - A DMFT approach,
    by Robert Peters, Norio Kawakami

    We analyze spin density waves (SDWs) in the Hubbard model on a square lattice within the framework of inhomogeneous dynamical mean field theory (iDMFT). Doping the half-filled Hubbard model results in a change of the antiferromagnetic N\'eel state, which exists exactly at half filling, to a phase of incommensurate SDWs. Previous studies of this phase mainly rely on static mean field calculations. In this paper, we will use large-scale iDMFT calculations to study properties of SDWs in the Hubbard model. A great advantage of iDMFT over static mean field approaches is the inclusion of local screening effects and the easy access to dynamical correlation functions. Furthermore, this technique is not restricted to the Hubbard model, but can be easily used to study incommensurate phases in various strongly correlated materials.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday March 27 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Markus Aichhorn on
    Solar-energy conversion and light emission in an atomic monolayer p–n diode,
    by Andreas Pospischil, Marco M. Furchi and Thomas Mueller
    Nature Nanotechnology (2014)

    The limitations of the bulk semiconductors currently used in electronic devices—rigidity, heavy weight and high costs—have recently shifted the research efforts to two-dimensional atomic crystals1 such as graphene2 and atomically thin transition-metal dichalcogenides3, 4. These materials have the potential to be produced at low cost and in large areas, while maintaining high material quality. These properties, as well as their flexibility, make two-dimensional atomic crystals attractive for applications such as solar cells or display panels. The basic building blocks of optoelectronic devices are p–n junction diodes, but they have not yet been demonstrated in a two-dimensional material. Here, we report a p–n junction diode based on an electrostatically doped5 tungsten diselenide (WSe2) monolayer. We present applications as a photovoltaic solar cell, a photodiode and a light-emitting diode, and obtain light–power conversion and electroluminescence efficiencies of ~0.5% and ~0.1%, respectively. Given recent advances in the large-scale production of two-dimensional crystals6, 7, we expect them to profoundly impact future developments in solar, lighting and display technologies.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Thursday March 20 2014, 13:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Georg Winkler on
    Defining and detecting quantum speedup,
    by Troels F. Ronnow, Zhihui Wang, Joshua Job, Sergio Boixo, Sergei V. Isakov, David Wecker, John M. Martinis, Daniel A. Lidar and Matthias Troyer
    arXiv:1401.2910 (2010)
    see also Evidence for quantum annealing with more than one hundred qubits

    The development of small-scale digital and analog quantum devices raises the question of how to fairly assess and compare the computational power of classical and quantum devices, and of how to detect quantum speedup. Here we show how to define and measure quantum speedup in various scenarios, and how to avoid pitfalls that might mask or fake quantum speedup. We illustrate our discussion with data from a randomized benchmark test on a D-Wave Two device with up to 503 qubits. Comparing the performance of the device on random spin glass instances with limited precision to simulated classical and quantum annealers, we find no evidence of quantum speedup when the entire data set is considered, and obtain inconclusive results when comparing subsets of instances on an instance-by-instance basis. Our results for one particular benchmark do not rule out the possibility of speedup for other classes of problems and illustrate that quantum speedup is elusive and can depend on the question posed.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday March 12 2014, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    general discussion on
    We will fix this year schedule and dates.,

WS 2013/2014

  • Friday January 31 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Markus Aichhorn on
    Asking Photons Where They Have Been,
    by A. Danan, D. Farfurnik, S. Bar-Ad and L. Vaidman
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 240402 (2013)
    physicsworld comment

    We present surprising experimental evidence regarding the past of photons passing through an interferometer. The information about the positions through which the photons pass in the interferometer is retrieved from modulations of the detected signal at the vibration frequencies of mirrors the photons bounce off. From the analysis we conclude that the past of the photons is not represented by continuous trajectories, although a common sense analysis adopted in various welcher weg measurements, delayed-choice which-path experiments, and counterfactual communication demonstrations yields a single trajectory. The experimental results have a simple explanation in the framework of the two-state vector formalism of quantum theory.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday January 24 2014, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Robert Triebl on
    Wild swarms of midges linger at the edge of an ordering phase transition,
    by A. Attanasi, A. Cavagna, L. Del Castello, I. Giardina, S. Melillo, L. Parisi, O. Pohl, B. Rossaro, E. Shen, E. Silvestri and M. Viale

    The most notable hallmark of collective behaviour in biological systems is the emergence of order: individuals polarize their state, giving the stunning impression that the group behaves as one. Mating swarms of mosquitoes and midges, however, do not display global order and it is therefore unclear whether swarms are a true instance of collective behaviour or a mere epiphenomenon of the independent response of each insect to an environmental stimulus. Here, we experimentally study wild swarms of midges by measuring their susceptibility, namely the capability to collectively respond to an external perturbation. The susceptibility is way larger than that of a noninteracting system, indicating the presence of strong coordination, and it increases sharply with the swarm density, a distinctive mark of an incipient ordering phase transition. We find that swarms live at the near-critical edge of this transition, suggesting that their size and density are tuned to maximize collective response.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday January 17 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Gerhard Dorn on
    Presentation + demonstration of the very popular microcontroller Arduino and microcomputer Raspberry Pi,
    introductory book for raspberry pi (what is it and how to use it)
    educational book for raspberry pi (what can be done with raspberry pi in class)
    introduction book for arduino
    some cool raspberry pi projects

    What can you do with the Raspberry Pi, a $35 computer the size of a credit card? All sorts of things! If you're learning how to program, or looking to build new electronic projects, this hands-on guide will show you just how valuable this flexible little platform can be.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday January 10 2014, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Christopher Albert on
    Sustainable Energy without the hot air – Energy Storage,
    by David MacKay

    The public discussion of energy options tends to be intensely emotional, polarized, mistrustful, and destructive. Every option is strongly opposed: the public seem to be anti-wind, anti-coal, anti-waste-to-energy, anti-tidal-barrage, anti-fuel-duty, and anti-nuclear. We can't be anti-everything! We need an energy plan that adds up. But there's a lack of numeracy in the public discussion of energy. Where people do use numbers, they select them to sound big, to make an impression, and to score points in arguments, rather than to aid thoughtful discussion. My motivation in writing "Sustainable Energy - without the hot air" (available both on paper, and for free in electronic form []) is to promote constructive conversations about energy, instead of the perpetual Punch and Judy show. I've tried to write an honest, educational and fun book.[2] I hope the book will help build a cross-party consensus in favour of urgently making an energy plan that adds up. "Sustainable Energy - without the hot air" presents the numbers that are needed to answer these questions: How huge are Britain's renewable resources, compared with our current energy consumption? How big do renewable energy facilities have to be, to make a significant contribution? How big would our energy consumption be if we adopted strong efficiency measures? Which efficiency measures offer big savings, and which offer only 5 or 10%? Do new much-hyped technologies such as hydrogen or electric cars reduce energy consumption, or do they actually make our energy problem worse? Wherever possible, I answer these questions from first principles. To make the numbers comparable and comprehensible, I express all energies and powers in a single set of units: energies are measured in kilowatt-hours (the same units that you see on your electricity bills and gas bills, costing 10p a pop), and powers are measured in kilowatt-hours per day, per person. Everyday choices involve small numbers of kWh per day. If I have a hot bath, I use 5 kWh of energy. If I were to drive from Cambridge to London and back in an average car, I would use 130 kWh. Let me give you three examples of what we learn when we work out the numbers. First, switching off the phone charger. I think I first heard this idea from the BBC, the idea that one of the top ten things you should do to make a difference to your energy consumption is to switch off the phone charger when you are not using it. The truth is that leaving the phone charger switched on uses about 0.01 kWh per day. This means that switching the phone charger off for a whole day saves the same energy as is used in driving an average car for one second. Switching off phone chargers is like bailing the Titanic with a teaspoon. Second, hydrogen for transport: all hydrogen-powered transport prototypes _increase_ energy consumption compared to ordinary fossil-cars; whereas electric vehicles are significantly more energy efficient than fossil-cars. So hydrogen vehicles make our energy problem worse, and electric vehicles make it better. Third, here are the numbers for wave power. We often hear that Britain has a "huge" wave resource. But how huge is the technical potential of wave power compared with our huge consumption? If 1000 km of Atlantic coastline were completely filled with Pelamis wave machines, the average power delivered would be 2.4 kWh per day per person. That is indeed a huge amount of power: but today's British total energy consumption is on average 125 kWh per day per person. (That's for all forms of energy: electrical, transport, heating - not just electricity.) So a country-sized wave farm would deliver an average power equal to 2% of our current power consumption. I'm not saying we should not invest in wave power. But we need to know the truth about the scale of renewables required. This message applies, sadly, to almost all renewables in Britain (wind, tide, photovoltaics, hydroelectricity, biofuels, for example): to make a substantial contribution, renewable facilities have to be country-sized. And this is perhaps the most important message: the scale of action required to put in place a sustainable energy solution. Even if we imagine strong efficiency measures and smart technology-switches that halved our energy consumption [from 125 kWh per day per person to 60 kWh per day] (which would be lower than the per-capita consumption of any developed country today), we should not kid ourselves about the challenge of supplying 60 kWh per day without fossil fuels. Among the low-carbon energy supply options, the three with the biggest potential are wind power, nuclear power, and concentrating solar power in other peoples' deserts. And here is the scale that is required if (for simplicity) we wanted to get one third from each of these sources: we would have to build wind farms with an area equal to the area of Wales; we would have to build 50 Sizewells of nuclear power; and we would need solar power stations in deserts covering an area twice the size of Greater London. Of course I'm not recommending this particular mix of options; there are many mixes that add up; and a more detailed story would discuss other technologies such as 'clean coal' with carbon capture and storage (as yet, unproven); and energy storage systems to cope with fluctuations of supply and demand. Whatever mix you choose, if it adds up, we have a very large building task. The simple wind/nuclear/solar mix I just mentioned would involve roughly a hundred-fold increase in wind power over 2006 [3], and a five-fold increase in nuclear power [4]; the solar power in deserts would require new long-distance cables connecting the Sahara to Surrey, with a capacity 25 times greater than the existing England-France interconnector. It's not going to be easy to make a energy plan that adds up; but it is possible. We need to get building.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday December 20 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Johann Pototschnig on
    Prevented Mortality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Historical and Projected Nuclear Power,
    by Pushker A. Kharecha and James E. Hansen
    Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (9), pp 4889-4895

    the speaker will also discuss Recommendations for a restart of molten salt reactor development,
    by R.W. Moir
    Energy Conversion an dManagement, Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2008, 49, 1849-1858

    In the aftermath of the March 2011 accident at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the future contribution of nuclear power to the global energy supply has become somewhat uncertain. Because nuclear power is an abundant, low- carbon source of base-load power, it could make a large contribution to mitigation of global climate change and air pollution. Using historical production data, we calculate that global nuclear power has prevented an average of 1.84 million air pollution-related deaths and 64 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent (GtCO2-eq) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that would have resulted from fossil fuel burning. On the basis of global projection data that take into account the effects of the Fukushima accident, we find that nuclear power could additionally prevent an average of 420 000–7.04 million deaths and 80–240 GtCO2-eq emissions due to fossil fuels by midcentury, depending on which fuel it replaces. By contrast, we assess that large-scale expansion of unconstrained natural gas use would not mitigate the climate problem and would cause far more deaths than expansion of nuclear power.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday December 20 2013, 13:15 :
    13:15 PART I @ seminar room 2nd floor: Andreas Martitsch on
    Introductory discussion about Positron physics (material research related),
    Basic tutorial.
    14:00 PART II @ lecture hall P2: Prof. Dr. Peter Mascher on
    Insight into Nanostructured Materials with Positrons

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday December 06 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Christoph Heil on
    Superconductivity III:,
    Unconventionsl Superconductivty,
    by M.R.Norman
    arXiv:1302.3176, (2013)

    A brief review of unconventional superconductivity is given, stretching from the halcyon days of helium-3 to the modern world of Majorana fermions. Along the way, we will encounter such strange beasts as heavy fermion superconductors, cuprates, and their iron-based cousins. Emphasis will be put on the fact that in almost all cases, an accepted microscopic theory has yet to emerge. This is attributed to the difficulty of constructing a theory of superconductivity outside the Migdal- Eliashberg framework.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday November 29 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Zhian Asadzadeh on
    Superconductivity II: from BCS to high Tc ,
    materials: 1) lecture notes: Carsten Timm, “Theory of Superconductivity”, TU Dresden, chapter 10 and following available at
    2) book: Michael Tinkham, “Introduction to superconductivity”

    This is the second part of our three week session on superconductivity.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday November 22 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Anonius Dorda on
    Superconductivity I: BCS theory ,
    materials: 1) lecture notes: Carsten Timm, “Theory of Superconductivity”, TU Dresden, chapter 10 BCS theory available at
    2) book: Michael Tinkham, “Introduction to superconductivity”, chapter 3 The BCS Theory

    This is the first part of our three week session on superconductivity.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday November 15 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Manuel Zingl on
    From Few to Many: Observing the Formation of a Fermi Sea One Atom at a Time,
    by A. N. Wenz, G. Zürn, S. Murmann, I. Brouzos, T. Lompe and S. Jochim
    Science 324, 6157, 457-460 (2013) or arXiv:1307.3443

    Knowing when a physical system has reached sufficient size for its macroscopic properties to be well described by many-body theory is difficult. We investigated the crossover from few- to many-body physics by studying quasi?one-dimensional systems of ultracold atoms consisting of a single impurity interacting with an increasing number of identical fermions. We measured the interaction energy of such a system as a function of the number of majority atoms for different strengths of the interparticle interaction. As we increased the number of majority atoms one by one, we observed fast convergence of the normalized interaction energy toward a many-body limit calculated for a single impurity immersed in a Fermi sea of majority particles.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday November 8 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Martin Nuss on
    Band-dependent Quasiparticle Dynamics in Single Crystals of the Ba0:6K0:4Fe2As2 Superconductor Revealed by Pump-Probe Spectroscopy,
    by Darius H. Torchinsky, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo, N. L. Wang, and Nuh Gedik
    PRL 105, 027005 (2010) or arXiv:0905.0678v2

    We report on band-dependent quasiparticle dynamics in Ba0:6K0:4Fe2As2 (TcŒ 37 K) measured using ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. In the superconducting state, we observe two distinct relaxation processes: a fast component whose decay rate increases linearly with excitation density and a slow component with an excitation density independent decay rate. We argue that these two components reflect the recombination of quasiparticles in the two hole bands through intraband and interband processes. We also find that the thermal recombination rate of quasiparticles increases quadratically with temperature. The temperature and excitation density dependence of the decays indicates fully gapped hole bands and nodal or very anisotropic electron bands.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday October 25 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Max Sorantin on
    Unveiling the Higgs mechanism to students to students,
    by Giovanni Organtini
    available at Eur. J. Phys. 33 1397 (2012)
    or arXiv:1207.2146

    In this paper we give the outline of a lecture given to undergraduate students aiming at understanding why physicists are so much interested in the Higgs boson. The lecture has been conceived for students not yet familiar with advanced physics and is suitable for several disciplines, other than physics. The Higgs mechanism is introduced by semi-classical arguments mimicking the basic field theory concepts, assuming the validity of a symmetry principle in the expression of the energy of particles in a classical field. The lecture is divided in two parts: the first, suitable even to high--school students, shows how the mass of a particle results as a dynamical effect due to the interaction between a massless particle and a field (as in the Higgs mechanism). The audience of the second part, much more technical, consists mainly of teachers and university students of disciplines other than physics.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday October 18 2013, 14:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Martin Ganahl on
    Bosonisation for beginners – refermionisation for experts,
    by Jan von Delft and Herbert Schoeller
    Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 4, 225-306 (1998)
    or arXiv:condMat:9805275

    This tutorial review gives an elementary and self-contained derivation of the standard identities (psi eta(x) ∌ Feta e, etc.) for abelian bosonization in 1 dimension in a system of finite size L, following and simplifying Haldane's constructive approach. As a non-trivial application, we rigorously resolve (following Furusaki) a recent controversy regarding the tunneling density of states, dos(omega), at the site of an impurity in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid: we use finite-size refermionization to show exactly that for g = 1/2 its asymptotic low-energy behavior is dos(omega) ∌ omega. This agrees with the results of Fabrizio and Gogolin and of Furusaki, but not with those of Oreg and Finkel'stein (probably because we capture effects not included in their mean-field treatment of the Coulomb gas that they obtained by an exact mapping; their treatment of anti-commutation relations in this mapping is correct, however, contrary to recent suggestions in the literature). — The tutorial is addressed to readers with little or no prior knowledge of bosonization, who are interested in seeing “all the details” explicitly; it is written at the level of beginning graduate students, requiring only knowledge of second quantization, but not of field theory (which is not needed here). At the same time, we hope that experts too might find useful our explicit treatment of certain subtleties that can often be swept under the rug, but are crucial for some applications, such as the calculation of dos(omega) — these include the proper treatment of the so-called Klein factors that act as fermion-number ladder operators (and also ensure the anti-commutation of different species of fermion fields), the —i phi(x)retention of terms of order 1/L, and a novel, rigorous formulation of finite-size refermionization of both F e and the boson field phi(x) itself.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday October 11 2013, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Journal Club opening about
    this semester,
    by Martin Nuss

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

SS 2012/2013

  • Friday June 28 2013, 11:30 @ lecture hall P3, 2nd floor :
    Professor Strinati on
    Superfluid gap of a fermionic system from the BCS to the Bose-Einstein condensate limit:approach based on a coarse-graining of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations.,

    Inhomogeneous superconductors can, in principle, be described in terms of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equations, whose difficult implementation, however, limits their use to a few simple cases in practice. Simplifying features occur close to the critical tempearture, where the BdG equations have been shown long ago by Gor'kov to reduce to the Ginzburg- Landau differential equation for the gap parameter of highly overlapping Cooper pairs, which is much simpler to solve than the original BdG equations themelves. In an analogous fashion, more recently it has also been shown that, in the limit of strong inter-particle interaction where non-overlapping composite bosons form out of the constituent fermions, the BdG equations reduce to the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation for composite bosons at low temperature, an equation that has played a major role in the last several years for describing Bose-Einstein condensate of trapped dilute Bose gases. The question naturally arises whether it would be possible to find a generalized non-liinear differential equaton for the gap parameter, that would be able to replace the BdG equation in an extended portion of the coupling vs temperature phase diagram over which the the BCS-BEC crossover from highly overlapping Cooper pairs to dilute composite bosons can occur. Here, a non-linear (LPDA) differential equation for the gap parameter of a superfluid Fermi system is obtained by performing a suitable coarse graining of the BdG equations for any coupling throughout the BCS-BEC crossover and from zero temperature up to the critical temperature, aiming at replacing the time-consuming solution of the original BdG equations by the simpler solution of this novel equation. We perform a favorable numerical test for the practical validity of this new LPDA equation over most the temperature-coupling phase diagram, by an explicit comparison with the full solution of the original BdG equations for an isolated vortex. In addition, the LPDA equation reduces both to the GL equation for highly-overlapping Cooper pairs in weak coupling close to the critical temperature and to theGP equation for dilute composite bosons in strong coupling at low temperature.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday June 14 2013, 11:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Wojciech Czart on
    Phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties of the Penson-Kolb-Hubbard model: s-wave pairing vs eta-pairing,
    by W. R. Czart, S. Robaszkiewicz and B. Tobijaszewska
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 244, No. 7, 2327–2330 (2007)

    The extended Hubbard model with pair-hopping interaction J, i.e. the so-called Penson-Kolb-Hubbard model, is studied. In the analysis we focus on the properties of the superconducting states with Cooper-pair center-of- mass momentum q = 0 (S-phase) and q = Q (eta-phase). The evolutions of thermodynamic and electromagnetic characteristics at T = 0 and the critical temperatures with interaction parameters and particle concentration are discussed for d-dimensional hypercubic lattices. In the analysis we have used a linear response theory and the electromagnetic kernel has been evaluated within the HFA-RPA scheme. For d = 2 SQ lattices the effects of phase fluctuations on the transition temperatures are examined within the Kosterlitz - Thouless (KT) scenario. The KT critical temperatures Tc are calculated and compared with the ones obtained in BCS-HFA, Tp. The plots of Tc versus the inverse square penetration depth are determined. Except for weak coupling limit these plots have a shape similar to the experimental Uemura’s plots obtained for various classes of short-coherence length superconductors.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday June 7 2013, 11:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Antonius Dorda on
    Thermoelectric transport with electron-phonon coupling and electron-electron interaction in molecular junctions ,
    by Jie Ren, Jian-Xin Zhu, James E. Gubernatis, Chen Wang and Baowen Li
    Phys. Rev. B 85, 155443 (2012)

    Within the framework of nonequilibrium Green's functions, we investigate the thermoelectric transport in a single molecular junction with electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions. By transforming into a displaced phonon basis, we are able to deal with these interactions non- perturbatively. Then, by invoking the weak tunneling limit, we are able to calculate the thermoelectricity. Results show that at low temperatures, resonances of the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT occur around the sides of resonances of electronic conductance but drops dramatically to zero at exactly these resonant points. We find ZT can be enhanced by increasing electron-phonon coupling and Coulomb repulsion, and an optimal enhancement is obtained when these two interactions are competing. Our results indicate a great potential for single-molecular-junctions as good thermoelectric devices over a wide range of temperatures.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday May 24 2013, 11:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Christoph Heil on
    Charge Frustration in a Tringular Triple Quantum Dot,
    by M. Seo, H. K. Choi, S.-Y. Lee1, N. Kim, Y. Chung, H.-S. Sim, V. Umansky, and D. Mahalu
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 046803 (2013)

    We experimentally investigate the charge (isospin) frustration induced by a geometrical symmetry in a triangular triple quantum dot. We observe the ground-state charge configurations of sixfold degeneracy, the manifestation of the frustration. The frustration results in omnidirectional charge transport, and it is accompanied by nearby nontrivial triple degenerate states in the charge stability diagram. The findings agree with a capacitive interaction model. We also observe unusual transport by the frustration, which might be related to elastic cotunneling and the interference of trajectories through the dot. This work demonstrates a unique way of studying geometrical frustration in a controllable way.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday May 17 2013, 11:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Simon Erker on
    Time Crystals,
    by Frank Wilczek and Alfred Shapere
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 160402 (2012) Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 160401 (2012) Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 160401 (2012)

    Some subtleties and apparent difficulties associated with the notion of spontaneous breaking of time-translation symmetry in quantum mechanics are identified and resolved. A model exhibiting that phenomenon is displayed. The possibility and significance of breaking of imaginary time-translation symmetry is discussed.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday May 3 2013, 11:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Faruk Geles on
    Effect of crystal-field splitting and interband hybridization on the metal-insulator transitions of strongly correlated systems ,
    by Alexander I. Poteryaev, Michel Ferrero, Antoine Georges, and Olivier Parcollet
    Phys. Rev. B 78, 045115 (2008)

    We investigate a quarter-filled two-band Hubbard model involving a crystal-field splitting, which lifts the orbital degeneracy as well as an interorbital hopping (interband hybridization). Both terms are relevant to the realistic description of correlated materials such as transition-metal oxides. The nature of the Mott metal-insulator transition is clarified and is found to depend on the magnitude of the crystal-field splitting. At large values of the splitting, a transition from a two-band to a one-band metal is first found as the on-site repulsion is increased and is followed by a Mott transition for the remaining band, which follows the single-band (Brinkman-Rice) scenario well documented previously within dynamical mean-field theory. At small values of the crystal-field splitting, a direct transition from a two-band metal to a Mott insulator with partial orbital polarization is found, which takes place simultaneously for both orbitals. This t
  • Friday March 01 2013, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    general discussion about
    this semester,
    by Martin Nuss

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

ransition is characterized by a vanishing of the quasiparticle weight for the majority orbital but has a first-order character for the minority orbital. It is pointed out that finite-temperature effects may easily turn the metallic regime into a bad metal close to the orbital polarization transition in the metallic phase.

Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Friday April 26 2013, 11:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Markus Aichhorn on
    Fluctuation driven topological Hund insulator,
    by Jan Carl Budich, Björn Trauzettel and Giorgio Sangiovanni
    arXiv:1211.3059 (2012)

    We investigate in the framework of dynamical mean field theory a two-band Hubbard model based on the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang Hamiltonian describing the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect in HgTe quantum wells. In the presence of interaction,
  • Friday March 01 2013, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    general discussion about
    this semester,
    by Martin Nuss

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

  • we find that a system with topologically trivial non- interacting parameters can be driven into a QSH phase at finite interaction strength by virtue of local dynamical fluctuations. For very strong interaction, the system reenters a trivial insulating phase by going through a Mott transition. We obtain the phase diagram of our model by direct calculation of the bulk topological invariant of the interacting system in terms of its single particle Green's function.

    Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support.

  • Wednesday April 17 2013, 12:45 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Johann Pototschnig on
    The Kerr-de Sitter universe,
    by Sarp Akcay and Richard A Matzner
    Class. Quantum Grav. 28, 8 085012 (2011)

    It is now widely accepted that the universe as we understand it is accelerating in expansion and fits the de Sitter model rather well. As such, a realistic assumption of black holes must place them on a de Sitter background and not Minkowski as is typically done in general relativity. The most astrophysically relevant black hole is the uncharged, rotating Kerr solution, a member of the more general Kerr– Newman metrics. A generalization of the rotating Kerr black hole to a solution of the Einstein's equation with a cosmological constant Λ was discovered by Carter (1973 Les Astres Occlus ed B DeWitt and C M DeWitt (New York: Gordon and Breach)). It is typically referred to as the Kerr–de Sitter spacetime. Here, we discuss the horizon structure of this spacetime and its dependence on Λ. We recall that in a Λ > 0 universe, the term 'extremal black hole' refers to a black hole with angular momentum J > M2. We obtain explicit numerical results for the black hole's maximal spin value and get a distribution of admissible Kerr holes in the (Λ, spin) parameter space. We look at the conformal structure of the extended spacetime and the embedding of the 3-geometry of the spatial hypersurfaces. In analogy with Reissner– Nordström–de Sitter spacetime, in particular by considering the Kerr–de Sitter causal structure as a distortion of the Reissner–Nordström– de Sitter one, we show that spatial sections of the extended spacetime are 3-spheres containing two-dimensional topologically spherical sections of the horizons of Kerr holes at the poles. Depending on how a t = constant 3-space is defined, these holes may be seen as black or white holes (four possible combinations).

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

  • Friday April 12 2013, 11:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Martin Ganahl on
    Majorana Fermions,
    by Jason Alicea
    arXiv:1202.1293 (2012) also using
    arXiv:1206.1736 (2012) Phys.-Usp. 44 131 (2001) Science 33606084 (2012)

    The 1937 theoretical discovery of Majorana fermions--whose defining property is that they are their own anti-particles--has since impacted diverse problems ranging from neutrino physics and dark matter searches to the fractional quantum Hall effect and superconductivity. Despite this long history the unambiguous observation of Majorana fermions nevertheless remains an outstanding goal. This review article highlights recent advances in the condensed matter search for Majorana that have led many in the field to believe that this quest may soon bear fruit. We begin by introducing in some detail exotic `topological' one- and two-dimensional superconductors that support Majorana fermions at their boundaries and at vortices. We then turn to one of the key insights that arose during the past few years; namely, that it is possible to `engineer' such exotic superconductors in the laboratory by forming appropriate heterostructures with ordinary s-wave superconductors. Numerous proposals of this type are discussed, based on diverse materials such as topological insulators, conventional semiconductors, ferromagnetic metals, and many others. The all-important question of how one experimentally detects Majorana fermions in these setups is then addressed. We focus on three classes of measurements that provide smoking-gun Majorana signatures: tunneling, Josephson effects, and interferometry. Finally, we discuss the most remarkable properties of condensed matter Majorana fermions--the non-Abelian exchange statistics that they generate and their associated potential for quantum computation.

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

  • Friday March 22 2013, 11:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Max Sorantin on
    What if time really exists?,
    by Sean M. Carroll
    arXiv:0811.3772 (2008)

    Despite the obvious utility of the concept, it has often been argued that time does not exist. I take the opposite perspective: let's imagine that time does exist, and the universe is described by a quantum state obeying ordinary time-dependent quantum mechanics. Reconciling this simple picture with the known facts about our universe turns out to be a non-trivial task, but by taking it seriously we can infer deep facts about the fundamental nature of reality. The arrow of time finds a plausible explanation in a Heraclitean universe," described by a quantum state eternally evolving in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space.

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

  • Friday March 08 2013, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    Christoph Heil and Martin Nuss on
    Shedding light on the pairing mechanism in iron-based superconductors,
    by Christoph Heil, Markus Aichhorn, Heinrich Sormann, Ewald Schachinger and Wolfgang von der Linden
    see for example arXiv:1210.2593 (2012)
    Whether superconductivity in iron-pnictides and -chalcogenides stems from local or itinerant effects is a question still debated on. In order to investigate the influence of Fermi surface nesting on the pairing mechanism, we calculate from first-principles calculations the static and dynamic susceptibility of various iron-based compounds. We show that the susceptibility depends sensitively on doping and pressure application and confront our theoretical results with conclusions drawn from experiments. For instance, our results give evidence that pairing through Fermi-nesting mechanisms alone is not sufficient to explain the evolution of the transition temperature with pressure in FeSe.

    A variational cluster approach to strongly correlated quantum systems out of equilibrium,
    by Martin Nuss, Enrico Arrigoni and Wolfgang von der Linden
    see for example Phys. Rev. B 86, 245119 (2012)
    The theoretical understanding of the non-equilibrium behavior of strongly correlated quantum many- body systems is a long standing challenge, which has become increasingly relevant with the progress made in the fields of molecular-and nano- electronics, spintronics, spectroscopy or quantum optics and simulation. We report on the development of non-equilibrium cluster perturbation theory, and its variational improvement, the non-equilibrium variational cluster approach for steady-state situations. Both methods are based on the Keldysh Green's function technique which allows accessing single particle dynamic quantities. These flexible and versatile techniques can in principle be applied to any fermionic / bosonic lattice Hamiltonian, including multi-band and multi-impurity systems. We present results for the steady-state of molecular / nanoscopic devices under bias including the effects of electron-electron interactions and magnetic fields.

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

  • Friday March 01 2013, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
    general discussion about
    this semester,
    by Martin Nuss

    Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

  • WS 2012/2013

    • Monday January 28 2013, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      general discussion about
      Unconventional Superconductivity from Local Spin Fluctuations in the Kondo Lattice,
      by Oliver Bodensiek, Rok Zitko, Matthias Vojta, Mark Jarrell and Thomas Pruschke
      arXiv:1301.5556 (2013)

      The explanation of heavy-fermion superconductivity is a long-standing challenge to theory. It is commonly thought to be connected to non-local fluctuations of either spin or charge degrees of freedom and therefore of unconventional type. Here we present results for the Kondo-lattice model, a paradigmatic model to describe heavy-fermion compounds, obtained from dynamical mean-field theory which captures local correlation effects only. Unexpectedly, we find robust s-wave superconductivity in the heavy-fermion state. We argue that this novel type of pairing is tightly connected to the formation of heavy quasiparticle bands and the presence of strong local spin fluctuations.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday January 21 2013, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Werner Dobrautz on
      Computational Complexity and Fundamental Limitations to Fermionic Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations,
      by Matthias Troyer and Uwe-Jens Wiese
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 170201 (2005)

      Quantum Monte Carlo simulations, while being efficient for bosons, suffer from the “negative sign problem” when applied to fermions—causing an exponential increase of the computing time with the number of particles. A polynomial time solution to the sign problem is highly desired since it would provide an unbiased and numerically exact method to simulate correlated quantum systems. Here we show that such a solution is almost certainly unattainable by proving that the sign problem is nondeterministic polynomial (NP) hard, implying that a generic solution of the sign problem would also solve all problems in the complexity class NP in polynomial time.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday January 14 2013, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Faruk Geles on
      Janus-faced influence of the Hund's rule coupling in strongly correlated materials ,
      by Luca de’ Medici, Jernej Mravlje and Antoine Georges
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 256401 (2012)

      We show that in multiband metals the correlations are strongly affected by Hund’s rule coupling, which depending on the filling promotes metallic, insulating or bad-metallic behavior. The quasiparticle coherence and the proximity to a Mott insulator are influenced distinctly and, away from single- and half-filling, in opposite ways. A strongly correlated bad metal far from a Mott phase is found there. We propose a concise classification of 3d and 4d transition-metal oxides within which the ubiquitous occurrence of strong correlations in Ru- and Cr-based oxides, as well as the recently measured high Néel temperatures in Tc-based perovskites are naturally explained.

      For supplementary information see review: “Strong electronic correlations from Hund's coupling”, by Antoine Georges, Luca de' Medici, Jernej Mravlje, available at: arXiv:1207.3033 (2012)

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday January 7 2013, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Simon Erker on
      Mott criticality and pseudogap in Bose-Fermi mixtures,
      by Ehud Altman, Eugene Demler, Achim Rosch
      arXiv: 1205.4026

      We study the Mott transition of a mixed Bose-Fermi system of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, where the number of (spinless) fermions and bosons adds up to one atom per lattice, n_F+n_B=1. For weak interactions, a Fermi surface coexists with a Bose-Einstein condensate while for strong interaction the system is incompressible but still characterized by a Fermi surface of composite fermions. At the critical point, the spectral function of the fermions, A(k,w), exhibits a pseudo-gapped behavior, rising as |w| at the Fermi momentum, while in the Mott phase it is fully gapped. Taking into account the interaction between the critical modes leads at very low temperatures either to p-wave pairing or the transition is driven weakly first order. The same mechanism should also be important in antiferromagnetic metals with a small Fermi surface.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday December 17 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Markus Aichhorn on
      Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter IV Strong correlations and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (pg 65-89),
      by M. O. Goerbig

      This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects.

      These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday December 03 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Christoph Heil on
      Topological insulators from the Perspective of first-principles calculations,
      by Haijun Zhang and Shou-Cheng Zhang

      Topological insulators are new quantum states with helical gapless edge or surface states inside the bulk band gap.These topological surface states are robust against the weak time-reversal invariant perturbations, such as lattice distortions and non-magnetic impurities. Recently a variety of topological insulators have been predicted by theories, and observed by experiments. First-principles calculations have been widely used to predict topological insulators with great success. In this review, we summarize the current progress in this field from the perspective of first-principles calculations. First of all, the basic concepts of topological insulators and the frequently-used techniques within first-principles calculations are briefly introduced. Secondly, we summarize general methodologies to search for new topological insulators. In the last part, based on the band inversion picture first introduced in the context of HgTe, we classify topological insulators into three types with s-p, p-p and d-f, and discuss some representative examples for each type.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday November 26 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Martin Nuss on
      second part: Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter III Integer Quantum Hall Effect (pg 43-65),
      by M. O. Goerbig

      This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects.

      These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday November 19 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Martin Nuss on
      first part: Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter III Integer Quantum Hall Effect (pg 43-65),
      by M. O. Goerbig

      This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects.

      These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday November 12 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Martin Ganahl on
      Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter II Landau Quantisation (pg 21-43),
      by M. O. Goerbig

      This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects.

      These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday November 05 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Andreas Martitsch on
      Mysteries of Astronomy - What Is Dark Energy? How Hot Is Dark Matter?,
      by Robert Coontz and Adrian Cho
      Science 336, 6085, 1090 (2012)
      The speaker will focus on the first two contributions by Adrian Cho: What Is Dark Energy? SHow Hot Is Dark Matter?

      Endless mysteries lurk in the depths of space. To pare the list down to eight now, there's a challenge. In deciding what to include in this section, Science's news staff teamed up with Science Associate Editor Maria Cruz and consulted researchers on the Board of Reviewing Editors and elsewhere. From the outset, the team decided that true mysteries must have staying power (as opposed to mere questions that researchers might resolve in the near future). Some of the finalists are obvious shoo-ins; others have received less of the popular limelight. The final selection spans the entire history of the universe on scales ranging from our sun and its planetary system to the entire cosmos. Each mystery is sure to be solved largely through astronomical observations if it is solved: In at least one case, experts aren't sure that a seemingly simple question will ever be answered. (What Is Dark Energy?, How Hot Is Dark Matter?, Where Are the Missing Baryons?, How Do Stars Explode?, What Reionized the Universe?, What's the Source of the Most Energetic Cosmic Rays?, Why Is the Solar System So Bizarre?, Why Is the Sun's Corona So Hot?)

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday October 22 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Prof. Bernhard Schnizer on
      Stark-Zeemann-Effect in the HyperfineStructure of AlkaliAtoms. Level Crossings, Avoided Level Crossings, Geometric Phase: Theoretical investigations on the Stark-Zeeman effect of the 2p 2P3/2-level in 6Li for perpendicularly crossed fields,
      by E. Roessl, B. Schnizer, and M. Musso
      Eur. Phys. J. D 37, 187-200 (2006)

      The splitting behaviour of the 2p 2P3/2 hyperfine structure levels is investigated in 6Li for homogeneous crossed electric and magnetic fields (Stark-Zeeman effect). This is done by diagonalizing the perturbation matrix comprising the hyperfine interaction, the electronic and nuclear magnetic interaction and the effective electric interaction obtained by transforming the quadratic Stark effect to a first order perturbation interaction. Symmetries are used to find analytic formulae for level shifts and crossing points if only one external field is present. A reflection symmetry unbroken with all three interactions present permits the decomposition of the 12 × 12 matrix into two 6 × 6 submatrices. The structure of energy eigenvalue surfaces I_F_MF (B,E) of the two subsystems is found by numeric diagonalization of the perturbation matrix and is displayed in the ranges |B| < 1 mT, |E| < 300 kV/cm. The total angular momentum F = J + I (J = 3/2), electronic angular momentum, I = 1, nuclear spin) and the magnetic quantum number MF provide labels for all surfaces. All crossing points of the energy surfaces have been found. Adiabatic level transfer occurring in atoms traversing a sequence of crossed magnetic and electric fields is explained. Berry phases occur for cycles around some crossing points. Their presence or absence is explained.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Monday October 15 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Michael Knap on
      Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland (2012) Advanced Press Release
      see also popular information: (2012) Popular Press Release

      "for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems" Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland have independently invented and developed methods for measuring and manipulating individual particles while preserving their quantum-mechanical nature, in ways that were previously thought unattainable. The Nobel Laureates have opened the door to a new era of experimentation with quantum physics by demonstrating the direct observation of individual quantum particles without destroying them. For single particles of light or matter the laws of classical physics cease to apply and quantum physics takes over. But single particles are not easily isolated from their surrounding environment and they lose their mysterious quantum properties as soon as they interact with the outside world. Thus many seemingly bizarre phenomena predicted by quantum physics could not be directly observed, and researchers could only carry out thought experiments that might in principle manifest these bizarre phenomena. Through their ingenious laboratory methods Haroche and Wineland together with their research groups have managed to measure and control very fragile quantum states, which were previously thought inaccessible for direct observation. The new methods allow them to examine, control and count the particles. Their methods have many things in common. David Wineland traps electrically charged atoms, or ions, controlling and measuring them with light, or photons. Serge Haroche takes the opposite approach: he controls and measures trapped photons, or particles of light, by sending atoms through a trap. Both Laureates work in the field of quantum optics studying the fundamental interaction between light and matter, a field which has seen considerable progress since the mid-1980s. Their ground-breaking methods have enabled this field of research to take the very first steps towards building a new type of super fast computer based on quantum physics. Perhaps the quantum computer will change our everyday lives in this century in the same radical way as the classical computer did in the last century. The research has also led to the construction of extremely precise clocks that could become the future basis for a new standard of time, with more than hundred-fold greater precision than present-day caesium clocks.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Thursday October 11 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Max Sorantin on
      On the reality of the quantum state ,
      Matthew F. Pusey, Jonathan Barrett and Terry Rudolph
      Nat. Phys. 8, 476-479 (2012)

      Quantum states are the key mathematical objects in quantum theory. It is therefore surprising that physicists have been unable to agree on what a quantum state truly represents. One possibility is that a pure quantum state corresponds directly to reality. However, there is a long history of suggestions that a quantum state (even a pure state) represents only knowledge or information about some aspect of reality. Here we show that any model in which a quantum state represents mere information about an underlying physical state of the system, and in which systems that are prepared independently have independent physical states, must make predictions that contradict those of quantum theory.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Thursday October 4 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Martin Nuss on
      Setting up the schedule for WS2012/2013 ,
      including free snacks and drinks

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    SS 2011/2012

    • Friday June 22 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      general discussion
      Visualizing heavy fermions emerging in a quantum critical Kondo lattice ,
      Pegor Aynajia, Eduardo H. da Silva Neto, Andras Gyenis, Ryan E Baumbach, J.D. Thompson, Zachery Fisk, ERic D. Bauer and Ali Yazdani
      Nature 486, 201-206 (2012)

      In solids containing elements with f orbitals, the interaction between f-electron spins and those of itinerant electrons leads to the development of low-energy fermionic excitations with a heavy effective mass. These excitations are fundamental to the appearance of unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi-liquid behaviour observed in actinide- and lanthanide-based compounds. Here we use spectroscopic mapping with the scanning tunnelling microscope to detect the emergence of heavy excitations with lowering of temperature in a prototypical family of cerium-based heavy-fermion compounds. We demonstrate the sensitivity of the tunnelling process to the composite nature of these heavy quasiparticles, which arises from quantum entanglement of itinerant conduction and f electrons. Scattering and interference of the composite quasiparticles is used to resolve their energy-momentum structure and to extract their mass enhancement, which develops with decreasing temperature. The lifetime of the emergent heavy quasiparticles reveals signatures of enhanced scattering and their spectral lineshape shows evidence of energy-temperature scaling. These findings demonstrate that proximity to a quantum critical point results in critical damping of the emergent heavy excitation of our Kondo lattice system.

      Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring.

    • Friday June 15 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Benjamin Kollmitzer on
      Structure and Elasticity of Liquid Ordered Lipid Domains ,
      Michael Rappolt and Georg Pabst

      Biological membranes regulate diverse processes on the cellular level, including material transport, signal transduction and various chemical reactions. An about 4 nm thin layer of phospholipids and proteins is the central element of these membranes and there is ample evidence that lipids and proteins mutually regulate their function. Of particular interest is the organization of lipids and proteins into functional platforms, also known as rafts, to perform specific signaling or transport tasks. Sphingomyelin and cholesterol are considered to be the major lipid components of these rafts. Clearly, basic physicochemical understanding of raft properties is of need for ground-breaking developments in human health care. Biophysical studies on complex mixtures of "raft lipids" can contribute significantly to such insights. These mixtures show phase separation into coexisting liquid ordered ($L_o$) and liquid disordered ($L_\alpha$) domains. $L_o$ domains show several features of membrane rafts, including enrichment in cholesterol and capability of glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)- anchored proteins to insert into these lipid environments. However, the recently discovered exclusion of raft-associating transmembrane proteins (TMP) from $L_o$ domains questions their applicability as models for membrane rafts. The aim of the project is to derive lipid-only models for membrane rafts that recover the partitioning of raft-associating TMP, thus creating improved and experimentally stringently controlled lipid-only models of membrane rafts. The goal will be achieved by deriving those structural and elastic properties of $L_o$ and $L_\alpha$ domains that couple to partitioning of TMP using a broad selection of biophysical techniques. In particular, we will determine lateral packing density (area per lipid), membrane thickness, spontaneous curvature, bending rigidity and Gaussian curvature modulus for several lipid mixtures, from which we will calculate the preferential insertion of protein models into a given lipid environment. This way we will understand why TMP proteins do not partition into current lipid-only raft models and how to tune $L_o$ phase properties such that TMP partition into these environments. Our results will the basis for several follow-up applications and will thus be an important contribution to close the gap between membrane biophysics and cell biology.

    • Friday June 01 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Markus Aichhorn on
      Electron Correlations beyond Coulomb: Strong Magnetism due to Hund's exchange ,
      J. Mravlje, M. Aichhorn, and A. Georges
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 197202 (2012)

      In the quest for new materials with novel functionalities materials exhibiting strong electronic correlations play a prominent role. For instance, unconventional superconductors or multiferroic materials are well known, intensively studied, and very promising for potential applications. Although quite some knowledge on different strongly correlated systems has been aquired during the last decades, nature always has something up its sleeve. The key properties of these materials arise due to the correlations between electrons, making the description within single-electron approaches difficult. In order to get a more quantitave, or even predictive description one has to treat the underlying many-body problem properly. A method of choice that is able to deal with strong correlations is the combination of Density Functional Theory with the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. In this talk, after introducing the basic notions of the method, we will focus on a class of materials of recent interest, perovskites based on technetium. Contrary to what has been assumed for many years, not only 3d electrons can be strongly correlated, but also 4d (or even compounds with open 5d shells) can show effects of electronic correlations. The origin of those correlations, however, can be traced back to different mechanisms, such as the Hund's exchange for 4d, or spin-orbit coupling for 5d elements. We will discuss the unexpectedly and extraordinarily high Neel temperature in technetium compounds, and argue that the reason for the strong magnetism can be found in the vicinity of the compound to a localised/itinerant transition. This location of technetium is special among 4d elements. There, Hund's exchange is very effective and is, thus, the main mechanism determining the electronic properties of this system.

    • Friday May 25 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Faruk Geles on
      Quantum phase transitions from a superfluid to a Mott insulator in a gas of ultracold atoms ,
      Markus Greiner, Olaf Mandel, Tilman Esslinger, Theodor W. HÀnsch and Immanuel Bloch
      Nature 415, 39-44 (2002)

      For a system at a temperature of absolute zero, all thermal fluctuations are frozen out, while quantum fluctuations prevail. These microscopic quantum fluctuations can induce a macroscopic phase transition in the ground state of a many-body system when the relative strength of two competing energy terms is varied across a critical value. Here we observe such a quantum phase transition in a Bose–Einstein condensate with repulsive interactions, held in a three-dimensional optical lattice potential. As the potential depth of the lattice is increased, a transition is observed from a superfluid to a Mott insulator phase. In the superfluid phase, each atom is spread out over the entire lattice, with long-range phase coherence. But in the insulating phase, exact numbers of atoms are localized at individual lattice sites, with no phase coherence across the lattice; this phase is characterized by a gap in the excitation spectrum. We can induce reversible changes between the two ground states of the system.

    • Friday May 11 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Klaus Lang on
      Remote Joule heating by a carbon nanotube ,
      Kamal H. Baloch, Norvik Voskanian, Merijntje Bronsgeest and John Cumings
      Nature Nanotechnology (April, 2012) @ pdf

      Minimizing Joule heating remains an important goal in the design of electronic devices. The prevailing model of Joule heating relies on a simple semiclassical picture in which electrons collide with the atoms of a conductor, generating heat locally and only in regions of non-zero current density, and this model has been supported by most experiments. Recently, however, it has been predicted that electric currents in graphene and carbon nanotubes can couple to the vibrational modes of a neighbouring material, heating it remotely. Here, we use in situ electron thermal microscopy to detect the remote Joule heating of a silicon nitride substrate by a single multiwalled carbon nanotube. At least 84% of the electrical power supplied to the nanotube is dissipated directly into the substrate, rather than in the nanotube itself. Although it has different physical origins, this phenomenon is reminiscent of induction heating or microwave dielectric heating. Such an ability to dissipate waste energy remotely could lead to improved thermal management in electronic devices.

    • Friday May 4 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Martin Ganahl on the relation between integrability and relaxation dynamics using two publications:
      Thermalization and its mechanism for generic isolated quantum systems ,
      Marcos Rigol, Vanja Dunjko1 and Maxim Olshanii
      Nature 452, 854-858 (2008)

      An understanding of the temporal evolution of isolated many-body quantum systems has long been elusive. Recently, meaningful experimental studies1, 2 of the problem have become possible, stimulating theoretical interest3, 4, 5, 6, 7. In generic isolated systems, non-equilibrium dynamics is expected8, 9 to result in thermalization: a relaxation to states in which the values of macroscopic quantities are stationary, universal with respect to widely differing initial conditions, and predictable using statistical mechanics. However, it is not obvious what feature of many-body quantum mechanics makes quantum thermalization possible in a sense analogous to that in which dynamical chaos makes classical thermalization possible10. For example, dynamical chaos itself cannot occur in an isolated quantum system, in which the time evolution is linear and the spectrum is discrete11. Some recent studies4, 5 even suggest that statistical mechanics may give incorrect predictions for the outcomes of relaxation in such systems. Here we demonstrate that a generic isolated quantum many-body system does relax to a state well described by the standard statistical-mechanical prescription. Moreover, we show that time evolution itself plays a merely auxiliary role in relaxation, and that thermalization instead happens at the level of individual eigenstates, as first proposed by Deutsch12 and Srednicki13. A striking consequence of this eigenstate-thermalization scenario, confirmed for our system, is that knowledge of a single many-body eigenstate is sufficient to compute thermal averages—any eigenstate in the microcanonical energy window will do, because they all give the same result.

      Relaxation in a Completely Integrable Many-Body Quantum System: An Ab Initio Study of the Dynamics of the Highly Excited States of 1D Lattice Hard-Core Bosons ,
      Marcos Rigol, Vanja Dunjko, Vladimir Yurovsky and Maxim Olshanii
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 050405 (2007)

      In this Letter we pose the question of whether a many-body quantum system with a full set of conserved quantities can relax to an equilibrium state, and, if it can, what the properties of such a state are. We confirm the relaxation hypothesis through an ab initio numerical investigation of the dynamics of hard-core bosons on a one-dimensional lattice. Further, a natural extension of the Gibbs ensemble to integrable systems results in a theory that is able to predict the mean values of physical observables after relaxation. Finally, we show that our generalized equilibrium carries more memory of the initial conditions than the usual thermodynamic one. This effect may have many experimental consequences, some of which have already been observed in the recent experiment on the nonequilibrium dynamics of one-dimensional hard-core bosons in a harmonic potential [T. Kinoshita et al., Nature (London) 440 900 (2006)].

    • Friday Apr 7 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      general discussion about
      Probing the relaxation towards equilibrium in an isolated strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose gas ,
      S. Trotzky, Y-A. Chen, A. Flesch, I. P. McCulloch, U. Schollwoeck, J. Eisert and I. Bloch
      Nature Physics 8, 325-330 (2012)

      The problem of how complex quantum systems eventually come to rest lies at the heart of statistical mechanics. The maximum-entropy principle describes which quantum states can be expected in equilibrium, but not how closed quantum many-body systems dynamically equilibrate. Here, we report the experimental observation of the non-equilibrium dynamics of a density wave of ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice in the regime of strong correlations. Using an optical superlattice, we follow its dynamics in terms of quasi-local densities, currents and coherences—all showing a fast relaxation towards equilibrium values. Numerical calculations based on matrix-product states are in an excellent quantitative agreement with the experimental data. The system fulfills the promise of being a dynamical quantum simulator, in that the controlled dynamics runs for longer times than present classical algorithms can keep track of.

    • Friday Apr 20 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Johann Pototschnig on
      Resonant quantum transitions in trapped antihydrogen atoms ,
      C. Amole, M. D. Ashkezari, M. Baquero-Ruiz, W. Bertsche, P. D. Bowe, E. Butler, A. Capra, C. L. Cesar, M. Charlton, A. Deller, P. H. Donnan, S. Eriksson, J. Fajans, T. Friesen, M. C. Fujiwara, D. R. Gill, A. Gutierrez, J. S. Hangst, W. N. Hardy, M. E. Hayden, A. J. Humphries, C. A. Isaac, S. Jonsell, L. Kurchaninov, A. Little, N. Madsen, J. T. K. McKenna, S. Menary, S. C. Napoli, P. Nolan, K. Olchanski, A. Olin, P. Pusa, C. O. Rasmussen, F. Robicheaux, E. Sarid, C. R. Shields, D. M. Silveira, S. Stracka, C. So, R. I. Thompson, D. P. van der Werf and J. S. Wurtele
      Nature 483, 439-443 (2012)

      The hydrogen atom is one of the most important and influential model systems in modern physics. Attempts to understand its spectrum are inextricably linked to the early history and development of quantum mechanics. The hydrogen atom’s stature lies in its simplicity and in the accuracy with which its spectrum can be measured and compared to theory. Today its spectrum remains a valuable tool for determining the values of fundamental constants and for challenging the limits of modern physics, including the validity of quantum electrodynamics and—by comparison with measurements on its antimatter counterpart, antihydrogen—the validity of CPT (charge conjugation, parity and time reversal) symmetry. Here we report spectroscopy of a pure antimatter atom, demonstrating resonant quantum transitions in antihydrogen. We have manipulated the internal spin state of antihydrogen atoms so as to induce magnetic resonance transitions between hyperfine levels of the positronic ground state. We used resonant microwave radiation to flip the spin of the positron in antihydrogen atoms that were magnetically trapped in the ALPHA apparatus. The spin flip causes trapped anti-atoms to be ejected from the trap. We look for evidence of resonant interaction by comparing the survival rate of trapped atoms irradiated with microwaves on-resonance to that of atoms subjected to microwaves that are off-resonance. In one variant of the experiment, we detect 23 atoms that survive in 110 trapping attempts with microwaves off-resonance (0.21 per attempt), and only two atoms that survive in 103 attempts with microwaves on-resonance (0.02 per attempt). We also describe the direct detection of the annihilation of antihydrogen atoms ejected by the microwaves.

    • Friday Mar 30 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      Max Sorantin on
      Demonstration of temporal cloaking ,
      Moti Fridman, Alessandro Farsi, Yoshitomo Okawachi, Alexander L. Gaeta
      Nature 481, 62-65 (2012)
      There is some introduction available at
      Nature 481, 35-36 (2012)

      Recent research has uncovered a remarkable ability to manipulate and control electromagnetic fields to produce effects such as perfect imaging and spatial cloaking. To achieve spatial cloaking, the index of refraction is manipulated to flow light from a probe around an object in such a way that a ‘hole’ in space is created, and the object remains hidden. Alternatively, it may be desirable to cloak the occurrence of an event over a finite time period, and the idea of temporal cloaking has been proposed in which the dispersion of the material is manipulated in time, producing a ‘time hole’ in the probe beam to hide the occurrence of the event from the observer. This approach is based on accelerating the front part of a probe light beam and slowing down its rear part to create a well controlled temporal gap—inside which an event occurs—such that the probe beam is not modified in any way by the event. The probe beam is then restored to its original form by the reverse manipulation of the dispersion. Here we present an experimental demonstration of temporal cloaking in an optical fibre-based system by applying concepts from the space–time duality between diffraction and dispersive broadening. We characterize the performance of our temporal cloak by detecting the spectral modification of a probe beam due to an optical interaction and show that the amplitude of the event (at the picosecond timescale) is reduced by more than an order of magnitude when the cloak is turned on. These results are a significant step towards the development of full spatio-temporal cloaking.

    • Friday Mar 23 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      general discussion about
      Sculpting oscillators with light within a nonlinear quantum fluid ,
      G. Tosi, G. Christmann, N. G. Berloff, P. Tsotsis, T. Gao, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis and J. J. Baumberg
      Nature Physics 8, 190-194 (2012)

      Seeing macroscopic quantum states directly remains an elusive goal. Particles with boson symmetry can condense into quantum fluids, producing rich physical phenomena as well as proven potential for interferometric devices1. However, direct imaging of such quantum states is only fleetingly possible in high-vacuum ultracold atomic condensates, and not in superconductors. Recent condensation of solid-state polariton quasiparticles, built from mixing semiconductor excitons with microcavity photons, offers monolithic devices capable of supporting room-temperature quantum states that exhibit superfluid behaviour. Here we use microcavities on a semiconductor chip supporting two-dimensional polariton condensates to directly visualize the formation of a spontaneously oscillating quantum fluid. This system is created on the fly by injecting polaritons at two or more spatially separated pump spots. Although oscillating at tunable THz frequencies, a simple optical microscope can be used to directly image their stable archetypal quantum oscillator wavefunctions in real space. The self-repulsion of polaritons provides a solid-state quasiparticle that is so nonlinear as to modify its own potential. Interference in time and space reveals the condensate wavepackets arise from non-equilibrium solitons. Control of such polariton-condensate wavepackets demonstrates great potential for integrated semiconductor-based condensate devices.

    • Friday Mar 16 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Martin Nuss on
      Phonon-mediated superconductivity in graphene by lithium deposition ,
      Gianni Profeta, Matteo Calandra and Francesco Mauri
      Nature Physics 8, 131-134 (2012)

      Graphene is the physical realization of many fundamental concepts and phenomena in solid-state physics. However, in the list of graphene’s many remarkable properties superconductivity is notably absent. If it were possible to find a way to induce superconductivity, it could improve the performance and enable more efficient integration of a variety of promising device concepts including nanoscale superconducting quantum interference devices, single-electron superconductor–quantum dot devices nanometre-scale superconducting transistors and cryogenic solid-state coolers. To this end, we explore the possibility of inducing superconductivity in a graphene sheet by doping its surface with alkaline metal adatoms, in a manner analogous to which superconductivity is induced in graphite intercalated compounds (GICs). As for GICs, we find that the electrical characteristics of graphene are sensitive to the species of adatom used. However, contrary to what happens in GICs, Li-covered graphene is superconducting at a much higher temperature with respect to Ca-covered graphene.

    • WS 2011/2012

    • Friday Jan 27 2012, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Christoph Heil on
      Electrons surfing on a sound wave as a platform for quantum optics with flying electrons ,
      Sylvain Hermelin, Shintaro Takada, Michihisa Yamamoto, Seigo Tarucha, Andreas D. Wieck, Laurent Saminadayar, Christopher Bï¿œuerle and Tristan Meunier
      Nature 477, 435-438 (2011)

      Electrons in a metal are indistinguishable particles that interact strongly with other electrons and their environment. Isolating and detecting a single flying electron after propagation, in a similar manner to quantum optics experiments with single photons is therefore a challenging task. So far only a few experiments have been performed in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas in which the electron propagates almost ballistically. In these previous works, flying electrons were detected by means of the current generated by an ensemble of electrons, and electron correlations were encrypted in the current noise. Here we demonstrate the experimental realization of high-efficiency single-electron source and detector for a single electron propagating isolated from the other electrons through a one-dimensional channel. The moving potential is excited by a surface acoustic wave, which carries the single electron along the one-demensional channel at a speed of 3mum ns^-1. When this quantum channel is placed between two quantum dots several micrometres apart, a single electron can be transported from one quantum dot to the other with quantum efficiencies of emission and detection of 96% and 92%, respectively. Furthermore, the transfer of the electron can be triggered on a timescale shorter than the coherence time T2* of GaAs spin qubits. Our work opens new avenues with which to study the teleportation of a single electron spin and the distant interaction between spatially separated qubits in a condensed-matter system.

    • Friday Jan 13 2012, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      general discussion about
      Tail-assisted pitch control in lizards, robots and dinosaurs ,
      Thomas Libby, Talia Y. Moore, Evan Chang-Siu, Deborah Li, Daniel J. Cohen, Ardian Jusufi and Robert J. Full
      Nature 481, 181-184 (2012)

      In 1969, a palaeontologist proposed that theropod dinosaurs used their tails as dynamic stabilizers during rapid or irregular movements, contributing to their depiction as active and agile predators. Since then the inertia of swinging appendages has been implicated in stabilizing human walking aiding acrobatic manoeuvres by primates and rodents, and enabling cats to balance on branches. Recent studies on geckos suggest that active tail stabilization occurs during climbing, righting and gliding. By contrast, studies on the effect of lizard tail loss show evidence of a decrease, an increase or no change in performance. Application of a control-theoretic framework could advance our general understanding of inertial appendage use in locomotion. Here we report that lizards control the swing of their tails in a measured manner to redirect angular momentum from their bodies to their tails, stabilizing body attitude in the sagittal plane. We video-recorded Red-Headed Agama lizards (Agama agama) leaping towards a vertical surface by first vaulting onto an obstacle with variable traction to induce a range of perturbations in body angular momentum. To examine a known controlled tail response, we built a lizard-sized robot with an active tail that used sensory feedback to stabilize pitch as it drove off a ramp. Our dynamics model revealed that a body swinging its tail experienced less rotation than a body with a rigid tail, a passively compliant tail or no tail. To compare a range of tails, we calculated tail effectiveness as the amount of tailless body rotation a tail could stabilize. A model Velociraptor mongoliensis supported the initial tail stabilization hypothesis1, showing as it did a greater tail effectiveness than the Agama lizards. Leaping lizards show that inertial control of body attitude can advance our understanding of appendage evolution and provide biological inspiration for the next generation of manoeuvrable search-and-rescue robots.

    • Friday Dec 16 2011, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Klaus Lang on
      Tie knots, random walks and topology ,
      Thomas M. A. Fink and Yong Mao
      Physica A 276, 1-2, 109-121 (2000)

      Necktie knots are inherently topological structures; what makes them tractable is the particular manner in which they are constructed. This observation motivates a map between tie knots and persistent walks on a triangular lattice. The topological structure embedded in a tie knot may be determined by appropriately manipulating its projection; we derive corresponding rules for tie knot sequences. We classify knots according to their size and shape and quantify the number of knots in a class. Aesthetic knots are characterised by the conditions of symmetry and balance. Of the 85 knots which may be tied with conventional tie, we recover the four traditional knots and introduce nine new aesthetic ones. For large (though impractical) half-winding number, we present some asymptotic results.

    • Friday Dec 02 2011, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Johann Pototschnig on
      Electronically excited rubidium atom in a helium cluster or film ,
      Markku Leino, Alexandra Viel, and Robert E. Zillich
      J. Chem. Phys. 129, 184308 (2008)

      We present theoretical studies of helium droplets and films doped with one electronically excited rubidium atom Rb* (2P). Diffusion and path integral Monte Carlo approaches are used to investigate the energetics and the structure of clusters containing up to 14 helium atoms. The surface of large clusters is approximated by a helium film. The nonpair additive potential energy surface is modeled using a diatomic in molecule scheme. Calculations show that the stable structure of Rb*Hen consists of a seven helium atom ring centered at the rubidium, surrounded by a tirelike second solvation shell. A very different structure is obtained when performing a vertical Monte Carlo transition. In this approach, a path integral Monte Carlo equilibration starts from the stable configuration of a rubidium atom in the electronic ground state adsorbed to the helium surface after switching to the electronically excited surface. In this case, Rb*Hen relaxes to a weakly bound metastable state in which Rb* sits in a shallow dimple. The interpretation of the results is consistent with the recent experimental observations [ G. Aubï¿œck et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 035301 (2008) ].

    • Friday Nov 25 2011, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Benjamin Kollmitzer on
      Role of sulphuric acid, ammonia and galactic cosmic rays in atmospheric aerosol nucleation ,
      Jasper Kirkby, Joachim Curtius, Joao Almeida, Eimear Dunne, Jonathan Duplissy, Sebastian Ehrhart, Alessandro Franchin, Stephanie Gagne, Luisa Ickes, Andreas Kᅵrten, Agnieszka Kupc,xel Metzger, Francesco Riccobono, Linda Rondo, Siegfried Schobesberger, Georgiossagkogeorgas, Daniela Wimmer, Antonio Amorim, Federico Bianchi, Martinreitenlechner, Andre David, Josef Dommen, Andrew Downard, Mikael Ehn, Richard C.lagan, Stefan Haider, Armin Hansel, Daniel Hauser, Werner Jud, Heikki Junninen, Fabianreissl, Alexander Kvashin, Ari Laaksonen, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Jorge Lima, Edward R.Lovejoy, Vladimir Makhmutov, Serge Mathot, Jyri Mikkilᅵ, Pierre Minginette, Sandra Mogo,uomo Nieminen, Antti Onnela, Paulo Pereira, Tuukka Petᅵjᅵ, Ralf Schnitzhofer, John H. Seinfeld, Mikko Sipilᅵ, Yuri Stozhkov, Frank Stratmann, Antonio Tome, Joonas Vanhanen, Yrjoiisanen, Aron Vrtala, Paul E. Wagner, Hansueli Walther, Ernest Weingartner, Heike Wex,aul M. Winkler, Kenneth S. Carslaw, Douglas R. Worsnop, Urs Baltensperger and Markku Kulmala
      Nature 476, 429-433 (2011)

      The speaker will also include information on more elaborate papers:

      Atmospheric aerosols exert an important influence on climate through their effects on stratiform cloud albedo and lifetime and the invigoration of convective storms. Model calculations suggest that almost half of the global cloud condensation nuclei in the atmospheric boundary layer may originate from the nucleation of aerosols from trace condensable vapours, although the sensitivity of the number of cloud condensation nuclei to changes of nucleation rate may be small. Despite extensive research, fundamental questions remain about the nucleation rate of sulphuric acid particles and the mechanisms responsible, including the roles of galactic cosmic rays and other chemical species such as ammonia. Here we present the first results from the CLOUD experiment at CERN. We find that atmospherically relevant ammonia mixing ratios of 100 parts per trillion by volume, or less, increase the nucleation rate of sulphuric acid particles more than 100-1000-fold. Time-resolved molecular measurements reveal that nucleation proceeds by a base-stabilization mechanism involving the stepwise accretion of ammonia molecules. Ions increase the nucleation rate by an additional factor of between two and more than ten at ground-level galactic-cosmic-ray intensities, provided that the nucleation rate lies below the limiting ion-pair production rate. We find that ion-induced binary nucleation of H2SO4-H2O can occur in the mid-troposphere but is negligible in the boundary layer. However, even with the large enhancements in rate due to ammonia and ions, atmospheric concentrations of ammonia and sulphuric acid are insufficient to account for observed boundary-layer nucleation.

    • Friday Nov 18 2011, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Faruk Geles on
      Quasipure Bose-Einstein Condensate Immersed in a Fermi Sea ,
      F. Schreck, L. Khaykovich, K. L. Corwin, G. Ferrari, T. Bourdel, J. Cubizolles, and C. Salomon
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 080403 (2001)

      We report the observation of coexisting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and Fermi gas in a magnetic trap. With a very small fraction of thermal atoms, the 7Li condensate is quasipure and in thermal contact with a 6Li Fermi gas. The lowest common temperature is 0.28muK=0.2(1)TC = 0.2(1)TF where TC is the BEC critical temperature and TF the Fermi temperature. The 7Li condensate has a one-dimensional character.

    • Friday Nov 11 2011, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor :
      general discussion about
      Electrically driven directional motion of a four-wheeled molecule on a metal surface ,
      Tibor Kudernac, Nopporn Ruangsupapichat, Manfred Parschau, Beatriz Macia, Nathalie Katsonis, Syuzanna R. Harutyunyan, Karl-Heinz Ernst and Ben L. Feringa
      Nature 479, 208-211 (2011)

      Propelling single molecules in a controlled manner along an unmodified surface remains extremely challenging because it requires molecules that can use light, chemical or electrical energy to modulate their interaction with the surface in a way that generates motion. Nature's motor proteins have mastered the art of converting conformational changes into directed motion, and have inspired the design of artificial systems such as DNA walkers and light- and redox-driven molecular motors. But although controlled movement of single molecules along a surface has been reported the molecules in these examples act as passive elements that either diffuse along a preferential direction with equal probability for forward and backward movement or are dragged by an STM tip. Here we present a molecule with four functional units-our previously reported rotary motors-that undergo continuous and defined conformational changes upon sequential electronic and vibrational excitation. Scanning tunnelling microscopy confirms that activation of the conformational changes of the rotors through inelastic electron tunnelling propels the molecule unidirectionally across a Cu(111) surface. The system can be adapted to follow either linear or random surface trajectories or to remain stationary, by tuning the chirality of the individual motor units. Our design provides a starting point for the exploration of more sophisticated molecular mechanical systems with directionally controlled motion.

    • Friday Nov 04 2011, 12:30 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Andreas Martitsch on
      Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam ,
      The speaker will also include information on explainatory papers:
      # Contaldi, C. R. Preprint at (2011).
      # Henri, G. Preprint at (2011).

      The OPERA neutrino experiment at the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory has measured the velocity of neutrinos from the CERN CNGS beam over a baseline of about 730 km with much higher accuracy than previous studies conducted with accelerator neutrinos. The measurement is based on high-statistics data taken by OPERA in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. Dedicated upgrades of the CNGS timing system and of the OPERA detector, as well as a high precision geodesy campaign for the measurement of the neutrino baseline, allowed reaching comparable systematic and statistical accuracies. An early arrival time of CNGS muon neutrinos with respect to the one computed assuming the speed of light in vacuum of (60.7 \pm 6.9 (stat.) \pm 7.4 (sys.)) ns was measured. This anomaly corresponds to a relative difference of the muon neutrino velocity with respect to the speed of light (v-c)/c = (2.48 \pm 0.28 (stat.) \pm 0.30 (sys.)) \times 10-5.

    • Friday Oct 28 2011, 12:00 @ seminar room 2nd floor:
      Martin Nuss on
      Experimental control of the transition from Markovian to non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems ,
      Bi-Heng Liu, Li Li, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Elsi-Mari Laine, Heinz-Peter Breuer and Jyrki Piilo
      Nature Physics September (2011) doi:10.1038/nphys2085

      Realistic quantum mechanical systems are always exposed to an external environment. This often induces Markovian processes in which the system loses information to its surroundings. However, many quantum systems exhibit non-Markovian behaviour with a flow of information from the environment back to the system. The environment usually consists of large number of degrees of freedom which are difficult to control, but some sophisticated schemes for reservoir engineering have been developed. The control of open systems plays a decisive role, for example, in proposals for entanglement generation and dissipative quantum computation, for the design of quantum memories and in quantum metrology. Here we report an all-optical experiment which allows one to drive the open system from the Markovian to the non-Markovian regime, to control the information flow between the system and the environment, and to determine the degree of non-Markovianity by measurements on the open system.


    If you struggle to find an interesting paper you might want to take a look at the links provided below in the sections Links to journals and Links to related Journal Clubs or you may wish to take on one of the following ideas for talks (if you want to contribute to this list just emial me your suggestions):


    • Semiconductor metamaterial fools the Hall effect,
      J. L. Miller
      Physics Today 70, 2, 21 (2017)

    • Strong evidence for d-electron spin transport at room temperature at a LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface,
      J. Liang, C. Ma, L. Zhu, Y. Chen, L. Gao, L. V. Wang
      Science Advances, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2017)

    • Emergence and Reductionism: an awkward Baconian alliance,
      P. Coleman
      arXiv:1702.06884 (2017)

    • Single-shot real-time video recording of a photonic Mach cone induced by a scattered light pulse,
      R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, K. Matsuzaki, T. Susaki, M. Weiler, S. Klingler, H. Huebl, E. Shikoh, T. Shinjo, S. T. B. Goennenwein, M. Shiraishi
      Nature Materials, 10.1038/nmat4857 (2017)

    • Quantum Galilean Cannon as a Schroedinger Cat,
      M. Olshanii, T. Scoquart, V. Dunjko, S. G. Jackson
      arXiv:1610.01060 (2016)

    • How current loops and solenoids curve spacetime,
      A. Fuezfa
      Phys. Rev. D 93, 024014 (2016)

    • Band widths and gaps from the Tran-Blaha functional : Comparison with many-body perturbation theory. ,
      David Waroquiers, Aur ́lien Lherbier,Anna Miglio,Martin Stankovski,Samuel Ponc, Micael J. T. Oliveira, Matteo Giantomassi, Gian-Marco Rignanese and Xavier Gonze
      arXiv:1302.6756v1 (2013)

    • Precursor of the Kondo resonance band in the heavy fermion system,
      Hong Chul Choi, K. Haule, G. Kotliar, B. I. Min and J. H. Shim
      arXiv:1302.3682v1 (2013)

    • Dynamical phase transitions after quenches in non-integrable models,
      C. Karrasch and D. Schuricht
      arXiv:1302.3893v1 (2013)

    • Sign-Problem-Free Quantum Monte Carlo of the Onset of Antiferromagnetism in Metals,
      Erez Berg, Max A. Metlitski, Subir Sachdev
      Science 338, 6114, 1606-1609 (2012)

    • How bad metals turn good: spectroscopic signatures of resilient quasiparticles ,
      Xiaoyu Deng, Jernej Mravlje, Rok Zitko, Michel Ferrero, Gabriel Kotliar, Antoine Georges
      arXiv:1210.1769 (2012)

    • Combined GW and dynamical mean field theory: Dynamical screening effects in transition metal oxides ,
      Jan M. Tomczak, Michele Casula, Takashi Miyake, Ferdi Aryasetiawan, Silke Biermann
      arXiv:1210.6580 (2012)

    • Dynamical quantum phase transitions and broken-symmetry edges in the many-body eigenvalue spectrum ,
      Giacomo Mazza, Michele Fabrizio
      arXiv:1210.2034 (2012)

    • Kondo effect on the surface of 3D topological insulators: Signatures in scanning tunneling spectroscopy ,
      Andrew K. Mitchell, Dirk Schuricht, Matthias Vojta, Lars Fritz
      arXiv:1211.0034 (2012)

    • Strong hybridization-induced dispersive Kondo resonance in YbAl2 ,
      M. Matsunami, T. Hajiri, H. Miyazaki, M. Kosaka, S. Kimura
      arXiv:1210.7296 (2012)

    • Direct observation of competition between superconductivity and charge density wave order in YBa2Cu3O6.67 ,
      J. Chang, E. Blackburn, A. T. Holmes, N. B. Christensen, J. Larsen, J. Mesot, Ruixing Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, A. Watenphul, M. v. Zimmermann, E. M. Forgan, S. M. Hayden
      Nature Physics 8, 871-876 (2012)

    • Trouble with the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and Momentum Conservation ,
      Masud Mansuripur
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 193901 (2012)

    • Signatures of Majorana Fermions in Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor Nanowire Devices ,
      V. Mourik, K. Zuo, S. M. Frolov, S. R. Plissard, E. P. A. M. Bakkers and L. P. Kouwenhoven
      Science, 336, 6084, 1003-1007 (2012)

    • Feynman diagrams versus Fermi-gas Feynman emulator ,
      K. Van Houcke, F. Werner, E. Kozik, N. Prokof'ev, B. Svistunov, M. J. H. Ku, A. T. Sommer, L. W. Cheuk, A. Schirotzek and M. W. Zwierlein
      Nature Physics advanced online publication (2012), doi:10.1038/nphys2273

    • Fermionic transport and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a homogeneous Hubbard model with ultracold atoms ,
      Ulrich Schneider, Lucia HackermÃŒller, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, Sebastian Will, Simon Braun, Thorsten Best, Immanuel Bloch, Eugene Demler, Stephan Mandt, David Rasch and Achim Rosch
      Nature Physics 8, 213-218 (2012)

    • Why do bubbles in Guinness sink? ,
      E. S. Benilov, C. P. Cummins and W. T. Lee
      arXiv:1205.5233v1 (2012)

    • Shape of a Ponytail and the Statistical Physics of Hair Fiber Bundles ,
      Raymond E. Goldstein, Patrick B. Warren and Robin C. Ball
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 078101 (2012)

    • Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system ,
      Marc Cheneau, Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, Manuel Endres, Peter Schauᅵ, Takeshi Fukuhara, Christian Gross, Immanuel Bloch, Corinna Kollath and Stefan Kuhr
      Nature 481 484-487 (2012)

    • Nonlinear material behaviour of spider silk yields robust webs ,
      Steven W. Cranford, Anna Tarakanova, Nicola M. Pugno and Markus J. Buehler
      Nature 482, 72-76 (2012)

    Even older suggestions

    • Quantum critical phenomena ,
      John A. Hertz
      Phys. Rev. B 14, 1165-1184 (1976)

    • Ohm's Law Survives to the Atomic Scale ,
      B. Weber, S. Mahapatra, H. Ryu, S. Lee, A. Fuhrer, T. C. G. Reusch, D. L. Thompson, W. C. T. Lee, G. Klimeck, L. C. L. Hollenberg and M. Y. Simmons
      Science 335, 6064 pp. 64-67 (2012)

    • Spontaneous atomic-scale magnetic skyrmion lattice in two dimensions ,
      Stefan Heinze, Kirsten von Bergmann, Matthias Menzel, Jens Brede, Andre Kubetzka, Roland Wiesendanger, Gustav Bihlmayer and Stefan Blï¿œgel
      Nature Physics 7, 713-718 (2011)

    • Extremely strong-coupling superconductivity in artificial two-dimensional Kondo lattices ,
      Y. Mizukami, H. Shishido, T. Shibauchi, M. Shimozawa, S. Yasumoto, D. Watanabe, M. Yamashita, H. Ikeda, T. Terashima, H. Kontani and Y. Matsuda
      Nature Physics 7, 849-853 (2011)

    • Magnetic Field-Tuned Quantum Criticality in the Metallic Ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7 ,
      S. A. Grigera, R. S. Perry, A. J. Schofield, M. Chiao, S. R. Julian, G. G. Lonzarich, S. I. Ikeda, Y. Maeno, A. J. Millis and A. P. Mackenzie
      Science 294, 5541, 329-332 (2001)

    • Superconductivity in the Presence of Strong Pauli Paramagnetism: CeCu2Si2 ,
      F. Steglich, J. Aarts, C. D. Bredl, W. Lieke, D. Meschede, W. Franz, H. Schï¿œfer
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1892-1896 (1979)

    • Quantum simulation of antiferromagnetic spin chains in an optical lattice ,
      Jonathan Simon, Waseem S. Bakr, Ruichao Ma, M. Eric Tai, Philipp M. Preiss & Markus Greiner
      Nature 472, 307.312 (2011)

    • Solvable Model of a Spin-Glass ,
      D. Sherrington and S. Kirkpatrick
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1792 (1975)

    • Z2 Topological Order and the Quantum Spin Hall Effect ,
      C. L. Kane and E. J. Mele
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 146802 (2005)

    • Two-stage orbital order and dynamical spin frustration in KCuF3 ,
      James C. T. Lee, Shi Yuan, Siddhartha Lal, Young Il Joe, Yu Gan, Serban Smadici, Ken Finkelstein, Yejun Feng, Andrivo Rusydi, Paul M. Goldbart, S. Lance Cooper and Peter Abbamonte
      Nat. Phys. advanced online publication (Oct. 2011)

    • Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in a Bi Square Net of SrMnBi2 ,
      Joonbum Park, G. Lee, F. Wolff-Fabris, Y. Y. Koh, M. J. Eom, Y. K. Kim, M. A. Farhan, Y. J. Jo, C. Kim, J. H. Shim, and J. S. Kim
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 126402 (2011)

    • Walking with coffee: Why does it spill? ,
      H. C. Mayer and R. Krechetnikov
      Phys.Rev.E 85, 046117 (2012)

    • Foaming in stout beers ,
      W. T. Lee and M. G. Devereux
      arXiv:1105.2263v1 (2011)

    • Suppression of the coffee-ring effect by shape-dependent capillary interactions ,
      Peter J. Yunker, Tim Still, Matthew A. Lohr and A. G. Yodh
      Nature 476, 308-311 (2011)

    • Improving the Density of Jammed Disordered Packings Using Ellipsoids ,
      Aleksandar Donev, Ibrahim Cisse, David Sachs, Evan A. Variano, Frank H. Stillinger, Robert Connelly, Salvatore Torquato, and P. M. Chaikin
      Science 303, 990-993 (2004)

    • On the trail of Vikings with polarized skylight: experimental study of the atmospheric optical prerequisites allowing polarimetric navigation by Viking seafarers ,
      Gï¿œbor Horvï¿œth, Andrï¿œs Barta, Istvï¿œn Pomozi, Bence Suhai, Ramï¿œn Hegedï¿œs, Susanne ï¿œkesson, Benno Meyer-Rochow and Rï¿œdiger Wehner
      Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 366, 1565,772-78 (2011)

    • The Cosmic Triangle: Revealing the State of the Universe ,
      Neta A. Bahcall, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Saul Perlmutter and Paul J. Steinhardt
      Science, 284, 5419 1481-1488 (1999)

    • Quantum interferometric visibility as a witness of general relativistic proper time ,
      Magdalena Zych, Fabio Costa, Igor Pikovski and Caslav Brukner
      Nature Communications 2, 505 (2011)

    • Dynamic modulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using gigahertz acoustic phonons ,
      Daniel A. Fuhrmann, Susanna M. Thon, Hyochul Kim, Dirk Bouwmeester, Pierre M. Petroff, Achim Wixforth1 and Hubert J. Krenner
      Nature Photonics 5, 605-609 (2011)

    • Topology by dissipation in atomic quantum wires ,
      Sebastian Diehl, Enrique Rico, Mikhail A. Baranov and Peter Zoller
      Nature Physics Oct. (2011)

    • Normal 3He: an almost localized Fermi liquid ,
      Dieter Vollhardt
      Rev. Mod. Phys. 56, 99-120 (1984)

    Curiosities - (carefully selected by Gernot Kraberger)

    • Confined, Oriented, an dElectrically Anisotropic Graphene Wrinkles on Bacteria ,
      S. Deng, E. Gao, Y. Wang, S. Sen, S. Sreenivasan, S. Behura, P. Kral, Z. Xu, V. Berry
      ACS Nano 6b03214 (2016)

    • Doughnut-shaped soap bubbles ,
      D. Preve, A. Saa
      arXiv:1509.07978 (2015)

    • Origins of the brain networks for advanced mathematics in expert mathematicians ,
      M. Amalric and S. Dehaene
      PNAS 16033205113 (2016)

    • Exploring the quantum speed limit with computer games,
      J.J. W. H. Sorensen, M. K. Pedersen, M. Munch, P. Haikka, J. H. Jensen, T. Planke, M. G. Andreasen, M. Gajdacz, K. Molmer, A. Lieberoth, J. F. Sherson
      Nature 532, 210-213 (2016)

    • Doughnut-shaped soap bubbles,
      D. Preve, A. Saa
      arXiv:1509.07978 (2015)

    • Monte Carlo estimation of the number of tatami tilings,
      K. Kimura, S. Higuchi
      arXiv:1509.05983 (2015)

    • The "coin-through-the-rubber" trick: an elastically stabilized invagination,
      F. Meng, M. Doi, Z. Ouyang, X. Zheng, P. Palffy-Muhoray
      arXiv:1509.06232 (2015)

    • Identification and modeling of discoverers in online social systems,
      M. Medo, M. S. Mariani, A. Zeng, Y. Zhang
      arXiv:1509.01477 (2015)

    • Acoustic Emission from Breaking Bamboo Chopstick,
      S. Tsai, P. Huang, L. Wang, Z. Yang, C. Chang, T. Hong
      arXiv:1509.00631 (2015)

    • Multiscale Stick-Slip Dynamics of Adhesive Tape Peeling,
      M. Dalbe, P. Cortet, M.Ciccotti, L. Vanel, S. Santucci
      arXiv:1509.02799 (2015)

    • The enigma of the two interleaved phonebooks,
      H. Alarcon, T. Salez, C. Poulard, J. Bloch, E. Raphael, K. Dalnoki-Veress, F. Restagno
      arXiv:1508.03290 (2015)

    • Extreme event statistics of daily rainfall: Dynamical systems approach,
      G. C. Yalcin, P. Rabassa, C. Beck
      arXiv:1508.03700 (2015)

    • The role of extensibility in the birth of a ruck in a rug,
      A. A. Lee, C. Le Gouellec, D. Vella
      arXiv:1508.05380 (2015)

    • Superconductivity at Any Temperature,
      M. M. Anber, Y. Burnier, E. Sabancilar, M. Shaposhnikov
      arXiv:1508.05283 (2015)

    • Modeling Radicalization Phenomena in Heterogeneous Populations,
      S.Galam, M. A. Javarone
      arXiv:1508.05269 (2015)

    Links to journals

    (reproduced and extended from Weizmann Journal Club)

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